Saturday, December 29, 2007

my dear 4faith friends!!
eek my face looks so fat cos i was the one holding the cam.hee im so pro!1st shot and i got all 3of us haha.
met up with them today at plaza sing.ate pasta mania cos there was a freaking long u-turned queue outside manhattan fish market=/and outside cafe cartel too!then after that we went to starbucks to drink and chill till 10plus.explains why im still awake eh?haha.had a nice time catching up with each other(:
qing and snr,lovee you dears!!take careeee!
+ val-* @ 1:28 AM
Friday, December 28, 2007
introducing.... nice jap/korean dramas!
honestly out of all the shows i've watched i would recommend jap dramas more!because their shows aint the usual lovey dovey and cry-a-lot shows like korean ones.rather,they make u touched and it's super heartwarming to watch.and they have lesser episodes and each episode is shorter than korean ones.short and sweet haha(:so now in order of nicest 1st...
1)Liar game!
this is the show where i really got hooked.i stare at the screen transfixed the entire time and it's hard not to continue to the next episode.unexpected twists and turns was pretty hard to predict what would happen's abt this girl who's "too honest for her own good" and one day got caught in this terrible game where u'll have to deceive people to win.with the help of a genius swindler she got pretty far into the game--and at the same time never betraying her honesty and her ever willingness to help's a show that teach people that about selflessness..something everyone has to learn in this world where people think mostly for's a must watch!!crunchyroll doesnt have it but u all can watch it here: at
2)tantei gakuen q (detective school q)
this one is not bad too!the most recent drama i've watched.adapted from a comic's abt genius students in a detective academy.they have to solve crimes that are ultimately linked to one single organisation.the ways the crimes are carried out is pretty intriguing.haha.this one shows how friendship and trust is important.haha.and one major hit for this movie is...

...yamada ryousuke as ryuu!he's so cute right!!my eye-candy!haha.
3)pride!冰上悍将.you can just search for's abt icehockey,feat. takuya kimura(:(: the show is very heartwarming.watched it long ago when it was aired on tv.u can still watch it on
4)err..let's just say it's a tie between coffee prince and witch yoo-hee.i thought coffee prince wasnt as nice at 1st because the 1st few episodes were really boring.but it became really nice towards the back(:witch yoo hee was pretty nice all the way haha.well,it was aired on wkdays on channel u,10pm.from next mon it'll be coffee prince,so u all can catch it on tv.if not u can watch witch yoo hee on and coffee prince on these 2 are the main websites for jap/korean shows.crunchyroll loads faster but quality not as good.they dont have some dramas it's pretty much up to u.
+ val-* @ 1:36 PM
Thursday, December 27, 2007
haha.was done!more or out with friends..caroling..etcetc.
so it's time for me to look for a job!argh im still so lag abt it.but i have a horrible sorethroat now which sucks pretty badly.
anyway,updates for the past few days:
211207went out with shueli to ps!and a few days b4 that we watched alvin and the chipmunks! personally i wouldnt recommend the movie.pretty much a waste of's just that the chipmunks are cute.haha.

221207had gift exchange during fellowship,and then headed for yong's stayover!
basically we rotted at the hotel until rh and ck came then we headed for indochine at clarke quay!ordered a chocolate martini there:their specialty(: it was pretty nice,just that i still dont really like the taste of alcohol.acceptable but not nice haha.claire ordered a TLC which was good!had that fruity taste and the alcohol didnt come out as strongly as mine did.every mouth i took from mine burns my throat haha.then we went to zi-high at the dance floor.we were the only ones haha.qt embarrassing but it was pretty fun afterall(:

then we went back to the hotel and 4 of us had to share a bed.the guys were worse though.4on a bed as well but u know their legs are the end we had to put chairs etc to extend our legs.look at the girls!

231207toon shue and reiz came to my church for the christmas brother got baptised!

then my camera battery died.sigh.should have charged it no pictures for the fabulous lunch we was really nice(:played with some ds games on toon and reiz's ds.quite fun haha.
241207caroling!we had caroling from 6plus till 11plus!we travelled from house to house and had lots of fun!let the pics speak for themselves(:

251207went out with sean and sam cos sean booked out!!went to outback steak house to eat.i tell u,their steak is the best i've eaten in my life where medium well is really medium well.haha.and their cheese fries is a must!!!super nice!!!

well,guess u all must be curious how sean looks like now.he forbid me to post any pics of him,so this is the best u'll get:

then we watched national treasure.i recommend this!it's good.kept me engaged like i was really the one seeking the treasure haha.
and after which we headed for hong kong cafe for their yummilicious mango snow ice!super nice!
261207happy birthday to claire and samantha!!and of course i went out with sam(:
went to cedele to eat cakes(:they were super nice!!

then we walked around orchard road(:

at night we met alicia and rebecca at taka!so we took a photo!

and then we went to see the lights!!

i love the snowflakes!!
yup so that was my christmas!!haha i was really happy(:the only thing that sucks is my sorethroat.but that aside,yay!it was a really merry christmas for me!!
+ val-* @ 10:23 PM
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!hee im enjoying my christmas,caroling and all(:
as it is im having a bad sorethroat from the chocolate martini=/the downside of this festive season.
more updates and pictures soon!too tired now to do so haha.
+ val-* @ 11:11 PM
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
i finally went shopping!!!it's a miracle haha.and i enjoyed it alot after being cooped up for a few days at home.i never thought i'll find hols boring but somehow just for the past few days i didnt have any activities.everyone's overseas i guess.went out with my church fren jaslyn to bugis!where i bought someone's christmas present and then we ate mos and talked for awhile.i havent talked to her for so long for a long time!!then we went tampines cos there wasnt much at bugis.where we both bought shorts different places though.i've long wanted white shorts so mine's white with brown lines..nice(:hee.hers is cream coloured..quite nice mum found it expensive though:/aiya it's once in a while anyway.i hardly buy my clothes myself.anyway we ate dinner together at century square foodcourt.the bake rice there is niceeeee!!loadds of cheese(:but dont try the fish.the yu xing wei is super heavy.nice on the 1st bite,then it gets really argh.the chicken chop is nice(:no pics cos i didnt bring out my cam!regret regret.anyway the korean kimchi there and pepper place is nice.the pepper place is something like pepper lunch but it's rice..and u have to mix everything urself to create something like fried rice.looks super nice.but i ate the baked rice so didnt try that.shall eat that the next time!and im going to sing solo again on thurs for a combined christmas celebration of zion church and its chapels.oh man..i thought i only had to do it once on the 9th and that's i have to sing in the youth choir and also in the adult choir.pray that my voice will be okay man.loads of singing coming up.have to sing for the 23rd for my own church celebrations and for caroling on the 24th.i love caroling!!!feeling excited(:i cant wait for christmas to come!!and the wk after christmas i'll have loads of dates from frens coming back from overseas.yayy im bored no longer!!(:must cherish the time left before i go to work(havent found one though haha).
+ val-* @ 1:32 AM
Monday, December 17, 2007
i ammm soooooooooooo boredddddddddd...
i was busy like siao for the start of the hols that i didnt understand why people have nothing to it's happening to me.and everyone is happily overseas while im stuck in singapore..someone date me!!i havent gone shopping at all la-.-going tmr to shop for christmas presents though.
at least in a few days it'll be christmas and i'll have the stayover at orchard hotel plus christmas celebrations(:and hopefully when all my frens are finally back from overseas in the last wk of dec i can bake go iceskate pig out and shop with them!!!muhahaha
but for now,im reallyyy bored.haiz.not that i dont have things to do.just dont feel like doing them.sighh.
ming tian hui geng hao!!(:(:
+ val-* @ 9:03 PM
Saturday, December 15, 2007
hee here are the test papers.i print screen so they're abit blur.can enlarge to see.they really look like A level papers haha.

And below are the crazy task for sectionB.some are super funny haha.

still havent got the pics for the rest but will post asap(:
+ val-* @ 1:39 PM
Friday, December 14, 2007
Just came back from church camp was fun!i dont have the photos for alot of activities though.but the sermons were good (though i was really quite tired for some oops) and the activities were great!the theme is disciple of christ.may i be not just a believer but a disciple and serve God well(:
Ice breaking on the 1st daythe icebreaker game masters(:they did a super wonderful job!

supposed to act as a massage chair.tell me in which way does it look like one lol.

and i dont have the pics for the rest of the games..was playing too u see.haha.maybe i'll upload another time.
Had amazing race on the 2nd day.the stops were related to our the mission chapels and the bookroom.our team was supposedly 1st..but because we cabbed when we were not supposed to we became 3rd.haiz,no sportsmanship right?next time must play fair(:again i have no pics :(
there was also a back to the future (erm it's more like just the past).we played old games like fivestones chapteh hopscotch and zeropoint.the younger ones who are abt sec1 now have no idea how to play fivestone.oh man.i play it like mad in pri i feel wonder 18 is when u become an starting to feel old already :(
And the 3rd day!we have the telematch!planned by me and my 'forever work with me' partner Jasper!

that's him(:
Journey through the gospels (telematch)The Roman doon-gias created by jasper.This is because the Roman empire was in rule during the time of the 4gospels.

cool right(:
We created test papers on matthew mark luke and john with crazy tasks included.more precisely jasper did it haha.computings student la.upload the cover page for the exam papers next time.they seriously look like Alevel papers :/
the creative store.teams are supposed to buy things with their doon gias to decorate a person and make a dish to present to baby jesus.


Next is relaying the gospel.cos people in the olden days,they had to pass down the message from the sermon by mouth from one person to another cos there's no such thing as we came up with this game where they have to act out stories from the gospel books.

they're supposed to act out the temptation of jesus by,tell me if that looks more like satan or a rabbit lol.
Then it's the wet games!there's 2,too lazy to give details.but it was chaos i tell u.

And i was happy that i wasnt wet cos i didnt really bring any clothes..then suddenly solomon and jasper came up to me and burst a water bomb over my head!thanks la :/ and i couldnt bathe till at night cos i didnt have extra clothes!argh.had to dry myself with a hairdryer.
Then it was the special night where each group have to act out the story of a group did david livingstone.after a few group meetings throughout the camp and 1rushed rehearsal,we acted out his was fun preparing..although ours wasnt fabulous haha.
again i dont have pics for this.but it was super funny to watch other groups acting cos creativity was a marking point.
At night, the girls played 7level's quite a fun game la's always a must during camps.but i was too tired to play from the telematch earlier.had to keep raising my voice to get everyone's attention :/at least they had fun(:

And then it was time to go home the next day.this is my dear group matthew!it was a super fun time with u all(:

from left: preacher linglee, me, grace, cherie, jason, samuel, leck zhi (:
after the camp a few of us when to eat long john's(our fav place at singpost) as a farewell meal for the soon-to-be ns boy jasper.he's going in tmr :/
im going to miss him loads.cos there are no girls of the same age as me and only him and solomon are the same age as me so we often hang out together.both of us are left handers and have quite good mo-qi btwn us we always end up doing things together.
from young i kind of taught him he's serving with me now in church(:

us at the piano(:
and we always design camp booklet cover page, invitations for special services or celebrations, scoreboards,the fellowship notice board,camp tshirts,fellowship tees and countless other things together(:
just to choose a few:

the 2003 camp booklet cover page

the 2005 camp booklet cover page

and tada!this yr's camp booklet cover page!so cute right!!the front and back page is like one entire picture(:note the change in technological advancement.the 03 one was hand drawn,05 partial hand drawn and 07's fully computerised.haha.with nicer fonts and better arrangements i feel(:

the camp scoreboard for this yr - the race to discipleship.well...he drew everything actually haha.look at the plaster!it was to cover up his mistakes in writing the scores for icebreaking lol.
And we also plan games together!for the 2005 camp we planned the ice breakers and for this yr we planned the telematch(: these are some of the things we do together.although sometimes we have disagreements but usually we work quite well with each other haha.although i kena teased like mad :X oh well,guy wad.but we really had loads of fun together.all the times we played comp games after we finish our tasks,go eat on our shopping sprees for materials for games..learn new hymns..impromptu at the piano..listen to songs..
eh brother...must take care in ns!and pass ur standing broad jump one day(:
must bring with u to camp:
1) sf tee (rmb sf!)
2) the camp booklet (the nice nice new hymns we learnt)
3) picture of the scoreboard if the actual thing is too big to bring in haha
4) ur weird sense of humour
5) all ur facemasks moisturiser and more hair lol
shine for God in camp k?(:
+ val-* @ 6:15 PM
Monday, December 10, 2007
oh yay finally i can use a blogskin template in blogger!!!i tried for sooo many times ytd la-.-
okay it's new start on a clean slate.i need to move on.haha.
+ val-* @ 9:15 PM