Thursday, January 31, 2008
it's new yr soon!!look at the decos!

at marina

city link
and the following are pics of frens i made at my workplace in suntec(:

hee this are my friends for this 3weeks at suntec!they were a nice bunch of pple who made my working life much more interesting and fun!
anyway to conclude my work at gelatotwist,it's been great working there afterall.pretty slack and sometimes boring,but mostly fun!and i really like the working hours although i do reach home pretty late but i get to wake up late!(:
anyway i have plenty of things to blog abt so i'll just post pics.

the cookies me and sam baked(:

accompanied shufen to cut her hair!

my dear 75 cum guitar juniors came to peng chang after their cip on my last day of work!!so sweet!!
starting my new job next monday.went to the building today!it's called Givaudan.super nice!!!oh man i want to work there when i grow up!!it's a really nice place(:but i realise i have to increase my writing speed and there's tonnes of things to learn!!really hope i wont forget anything cos everything was in a rush today.and there's shuttle bus to and fro from sengkang mrt!the bad thing is the shuttle bus comes at 740 in the morning!!someone save me!!im going to have a hard time waking up after waking up at 9+ 10+ everyday now=/
+ val-* @ 7:34 PM
Monday, January 21, 2008
hey dearies!
sorry for the lack of more pleasant updates but i reach home at 10 everyday and my internet was down the past few days!but it's okay now(:
anyway work isnt that bad anymore.cos i made friends with the pple working there!there are a few students waiting for O levels results so we all click very well.just that everyone else thinks im 17 too lol(yay haha).to think that im going to hit 2 next yr makes me depressed old!!!
im used to the slacking now and am more daring haha.when i go toilet i dont lock up anymore..just ask the shopkeepers next door to help me lookout.that's wad everyone does there anyway(:and i pop over to manga oasis cafe 2shops away to chit chat with those working there and around cos usually there are no customers at certain time of the day so we all gather there haha.
im working for one more wk until this sun because my boss couldnt find anyone to replace me yet.and i wont have agreed if i hadnt made those frens there.candy,roy,qiu hui, krystal, shu hui, jasmin, hai xiang,rex,diane and a few older ones whom i dont know their names haha.they're such friendly and fun people!makes my days there at my stall more interesting(:
this is diane who works during the wkends.she thought me alot of things my boss failed to teach me haha.she has the same birthday as sean tan!so cool!haha.
and i drew this during my free time.which is alot actually.pretty right?haha
and this is my view from my shop.super pathetic.not like there's alot to see even if cottage waffle place isnt there.cos the human traffic there is really pathetic.
i've pictures of new yr decos of city link suntec and marina but im too lazy and tired to upload them post yeah?

btw the moon is real pretty and round today!it looks very poetic behind the tree(u have to squint hard to see the tree..think only the trunk is visible but the leaves are wad is pretty).took it on my way home near my house.
+ val-* @ 11:29 PM
Friday, January 11, 2008
3rd day.
oh man this is the worst day ever.i sold only
1 icecream besides the one i sold to shueli.
enough said.
thanks shueli for coming!!if not i was really rotting to death.
but for once i could study my japanese in peace.finished lesson 2!
which is what im doing while rotting cos i did everything else i could on my 1st 2 days alr.
even the shopkeeper of the waffle shop asked me ni zai zhe li gong zuo bu hui men meh?hao xiang jian lao zhe yang.(u not bored working here?it's like a prison)
I TELL YOU,it's pretty much like it.except it's 3 walls but i cant see what's happening outside cos there's the place where people can sit down and have a waffle or 2 and a nice cup of beverage opposite my view is pretty much that.oh plus a bag shop that's diagonally in front of me.they have cool bags though,with pockey and pretzel-look-a-like bags.haha.
my shop is sooooooo ulu!people pls come visit bored to death.thankfully next wk is my last wonder my boss couldnt find anyone to replace me and no wonder she has to find replacement every month so
if everyday's like today,i might as well not work.slacking is the worst job.
u may think it's nice cos u get paid for doing nothing,but it sucks just to sit there with nothing to do.cant really do anything else in peace cos u've gotta keep looking out for passerbys and grab them cos there are really few pple.and last of all it feel super guilty to get paid without doing anything.
btw i broke any record of the least amt of icecream sold per day as i looked into the previous logs.but i saw a few 4s and 5s.probably the person working then cheated as well and bought icecreams herself.that's wad i did.i could eat for free man but it feels really bad since she's alr making a loss.
so come visit me!!onegai(plsss)!!
ja ne!
+ val-* @ 10:37 PM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
today's my 2nd day working at
gelatotwist.on the 1st day when i was learning how to do everything it sounded fine.but i had to scoop icecream!the person cheated me haiz.i scoop until my hands still hurt today.but it's true i dont have to scoop alot.didnt scoop any today actually.just have to do it when the stock comes or runs out which isnt very often.
and so it was pretty slack i would say.which i kind of didnt like ytd.i mean to have nobody to talk to and nothing much u can do is like dumb,except u earn money for doing ytd i busied myself washing the cups and scooping the icecream cos the stock came,and folding tissue napkins.turned out i really had nothing to do today cos i did everything ytd.i dont like it cos i feel like im cheating the boss's money.and seriously she dont earn enough on wkdays to even cover my salary.feel so bad.but the wkends sales are better so oh wells.
and sometimes i dont know whether to scoop icecream or wait dumbly for pple to come.cos i have to go to the back of the shop to scoop icecream so i cant really see if anyone's today i ended up sitting in front almost the whole time and i started to like slacking can smile at pple when they walk past..haha.
btw did i mention the shop is beside a WAFFLE shop selling ICECREAM as well?oh my i think my boss chose such a dumb location oops.seriously everyone who comes will go to that shop instead cos it's bigger and there's a place for them to sit down and eat.and the place is super mouth waters when i smell their waffle and they like damn good too!when i stop working there i shall go eat the waffles we're rivals so i shant eat haha.the lady who works there quite friendly.will always smile at me when she walks past haha.
and one thing i hate is that cos im the only one at the shop even when i go to the toilet i have to close the shop!!it's freaking i end up not going to the toilet for the entire day.torturous man.and i bought bread for ytd's dinner b4 i started work so that i dont have to close shop to go for dinner.and today i ended at 430 to go for an dinner's settled.seriously i dont think i can hold my bladder like this everytime.and now my dinner time is probably abt 4.cos that's when nobody comes.that sucks cos i'll be hungry again very soon lol.always end up eating the icecream cone cos it's damn big and filling.
oh ya the icecream.the flavours are damn nice i must say(:even the durian one is damn pungent(i hate durian though but this one smells real good)but they dont have all flavours at any one time.quite dumb but they dont have enough space in the freezer to accomodate all flavours.and the best seller(strawberry cheesecake) is currently out of stock till next monday!!'s really super nice!!! if u're free can pop by the shop(:
anyway since ytd is my 1st day at work i screwed up by forgetting to tear off the sticker at the place where the icecream will come out of.and the icecream end up spurting out like mad in all directions because of the pressure exerted and with no exit!argh.screwed up twice.think i made the customer freak out.have to explain it's my 1st day embarrassing!but i rmbed for all scoops today!haha.hope i dont screw up anymore(:
altogether not a bad job la.but the business is seriously not good.bad i would say.according to econs theory it will shut down cos it cant even cover variable costs like my salary!so pathetic haha.well,it's nice after i got used to and tmr as well i'll really have to slack at the counter for 9hours cos i did everything alr!'s not like i dont want to promote the icecream or something but seriously if pple dont even WALK PAST the shop i cant do anything right.and for every hour less than 10 pple walk past the shop only.and i sell abt 12icecream a day so it's abt 1 per hour.okay let's not go on to's enough to see how much im slacking.
and SO,im happily learning jap there.but i cant really learn in peace cos i have to keep looking up to see if pple are walking past the i feel pretty least i know how to read and understand simple sentences now.really basic ones though cos im at lesson2 only haha.and i got to revise my hiragana which i havent been reading or writing it since sec4.can read fairly fast now la.yay i shall gambatte!
btw the interview i mentioned earlier was for a job at yamaha at sales 1st everything wasnt going very well alr and the interviewer made me feel so stupid(shant go into details and not his fault)but i can tell he's a good employer and has good work ethics and..oh well i dont know how to put it..he has good principles?(:anyway after spending almost 45min for the interview and for me to actually consider taking up the job i asked abt the pay and the hours.when he said 5 i was like ... but will increase if my performance is okay fine.then for the working hours he said everyone starts with part time and the roster is arranged by him.max hours per wk:44hours.fine.min hours per wk:8hours. WHAT?! then i knew i wasted the 45min plus the 4.5hours of work!!shouldnt have gone for the interview man.if i work only 8 hours a wk i might as well not work.
but in any case i was glad i ended work early and so as not to waste my train fare from city hall to dhoby which is freaking ex now i went to daiso and bought a few things and then to sembawang to look for the lena park cd i wanted to's a concert live cd1 and 2 plus vcd.saw it at hmv and it was a freaking 26bucks.guess how much isit at sembawang!20.90!!me happily bought it and is listening to it's nice!!!!yay!!the not so nice thing is that there's cheering for every song..which i hate really.but the songs are nice la(:(:
okay now im going to watch 'bambino!'it's really freaking nice(:
+ val-* @ 9:00 PM
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
sugoi desu(amazing)!i tell u all this show is a must watch!!!i just stumbled upon it when i checked out the shows matsumoto jun is acting in.thought the title sounded interesting so i started's worth a watch really.very inspiring and motivating..just the best show for people like us who are going to step into society soon.super of the few shows that make me wanna cry.episode 8 especially.just watch it and u'll understand(:can watch on crunchyroll as usual.just search for 'bambino!'
okay im starting work tmr!hope everything will go well(:
ja ne!
+ val-* @ 11:39 PM
Yesterday we crashed school as j3s!!so fun!the rest went at 10 to crash j2 math lecture but i couldnt cos i had dental=/ it looks fun!sam said there were alot of note passing and talking cos it was lau hock soon lecturing anyway haha.

Then i came to school to play captain's ball in class!the rest started the game long ago.apparently i started only in the 2nd was pretty 1230?i think they started at 1115.quite crazy.oh i saw ms wang!she's the only subj teacher i saw when i went back=/oh and mrs is on maternity leave till march.then we were supposed to have lunch with the junior class.they were deciding btwn mad jack and kap.i didnt want kap cos im not a big fan of macs..and both sam and i was damn hungry alr so we ate in sch the end they decided to go mad jack.feel quite bad.and kityeng yuting reihorng and lekchia joined us in sch.anyway sch food rocks!haha i missed it quite's cheap anyway.then the rest left for home while sam and i rotted at the class bench while she waited for her sis to end with nothing much to do we cam whored abit haha.this is just 2 of the many we took haha.

haha we were trying to capture the 2banners in the next wing.turned out that our face looks damn black cos there wasnt flash lol.
then i headed off to taka to meet zhuting reihorng and lekchia to write our resume for recruit express.reached there pretty early so i went taka to meet up with zhuting 1st.i saw robin!haha he just shaved his head in the looks pretty okay though.maybe cos i never see him properly in his hair before lol.then i went orchard mrt to fetch lekchia and reihorng cos i felt abit weird there haha.
the interview was over in a jiffy so zt went with robin and i went with the rest.then lekchia and reihorng wanted to go vivo to look for clothes and i was like why cos the clothes there quite ex.then they said they wanted to check out the ip zone there.i was like O.o cos there was one right opposite at tangs we went there but they didnt find the burms that they wanted.then we went centerpoint to check out the redemption counter cos reihorng got a job offer there.and so i passed by hagen daaz twice in 2days and saw the people enjoying their yummilicious craving since sunday!!
then we decided to walk to dhoby ghaut to save money! the end we ended up spending $4.50 each for a dessert at ice monster.i bought a mango yoghurt sth.haha cant rmb the name.but it has a layer of sherbert at the bottom followed by a thick layer of yohurt(yumm) and topped with fresh mangoes!!when it came we thought it wasnt that big but it is really alot!!by the time i finished the whole cup at almost 6 i felt that i couldnt eat dinner anymore.and it's freaking cold!!!i would have ate it slower if my dinner wasnt waiting for me at home.i hate rushing for desserts haha.
anyway i dont have to work today again=/cos now my boss cant make it cos she's im starting work only tmr.haizzzz.another slack day.reihorng and lekchia was like damn sian ytd cos their one day job today was cancelled last min.mine is even more last min!!the person called me at 830am today man.argh so tired now..should have gone back to slp.didnt even get my 8hours basic slp which i've been getting plus extra hours now that i have no school.still have eye bags though cos i slp super late.trying to adjust back to normal in slp early wake up early.but as it is im damn tired now.maybe i should go back to slp(:
on a random note,great teacher onizuka rocks!
ja ne!
+ val-* @ 9:14 AM
Sunday, January 6, 2008
okay!i realised i havent update about recent events..
on 4jan i went out with shueli in the afternoon for my ben and berry's treat!yay!the sundae was pretty small for a sundae though haha.but nice(:

then we had class gathering at claire's house.the food is superrrr nice!!esp the lagsana and sheperd's pie!!!heavenly(:and we had gift exchange!i gave yeenseen a hand made photo album with photos of 75.i hope she likes it cos i spent ages doing that thing haha.and THANKS CHANKEET!!for that cute octopus(:haha.then it was alot of camwhoring when everyone started to was fun and warm to catch up with all of u again(:

on 5jan it's jason and peixuan's wedding!so handsome and pretty!the sf choir presented a song written by the groom himself.super nice!

next mon 75 is going to crash school lectures!!yay im looking fwd to it!can see all my teachers and juniors again(:
btw those who dont already know,im starting work next tue...for 2 wks.haha quite happens that im waiting for replies to my resume..which will take abt 2wks so im working at
gelatotwist which is in suntec(i think tower4).it's at this place called my playground in suntec.the shop unit is if u all want to visit me come k?i think i'll be quite bored i have no coworkers=/working only on wkdays from 12-9.pretty slack.that's why im only doing it for 2wks.cant learn much anyway.must stock take be cashier serve icecream tally everything at the end of the day and close shop.super slack.and can wear anything as long as not shorts.want to eat dinner just close shop.come to think of it it's quite a waste of's still money anyway.hopefully i can get a better job after this.
oh ya.i got to take a jab.all F&B workers have to get that's only a freaking 2wks man.sian..
i think im super addicted to jdramas helps pass the time super quickly.not very good though motivation to do anything else.i'd better stop soon.just so if u're curious what i've watched since after As they are:witch yoo hee, coffee prince, tantei gakuen q, hana kimi, hana yori dango 1 and 2, gokusen 1, 200pounds of beauty(movie), Great Teacher Onizuka(GTO).quite going to finish GTO and stop...if i can.dont have any other i want to watch so far.but i must say jdrama really rocks!definitely better that draggy taiwan or korean shows haha.

jap actors and actress!sorimachi takeshi, matsumoto jun,oguri shun,matsushima nanako
(:pretty and shuai right!!
okay ja ne!
+ val-* @ 8:47 PM