Wednesday, July 30, 2008
haha im using my laptop now!
i think it's so cool!i love the sleek design and the weight.
just that im still not used to NOT using a mouse haha.
and that the screen is more rectangular than square.
love my lappy!
manage to watch dark knight today thanks to an unexpected break granted by our hot+hotter dance ics roman and weiting!
in fact weiting came to watch with us as well(:
so weepin weeboon jas mag weiting and me headed down to gv max vivo at 1130.
poor weepin was deprived of popcorns and coke haha.
the show was great,but it didnt really meet my ultra high expectations after all the reviews and claims.
and also because of the distraction from my baby sitting job during the movie.haha.(dont ask qns)
i agree the joker is really cool!but he's such a sad character.
i love being optimistic.i felt ultra sad when harvy went over to the dark side=/
and that his death was so tragic=/
i also admire the guy who helped batman for his work ethics.
to be in control of powerful data without abusing his knowledge.
behind every hero there's an unsung genius supporting him.
kudos to those risking their lives for the security of the country.
and to their family members who have to bear the fear of losing their loved ones and even their own lives anytime.
i still think prestige is nicer.
how the whole story is linked up and how everything made sense in the end.
maybe cos too many pple spoilt batman for me.argh.
anw we ate lunch at food republic.
tried their bibimbab.
oh man it's ultra spicy=/
i was tearing and drinking my soyamilk for every mouthful i take
but hey i think it tasted really really good.
shld try!i love it quite alot(:
then weepin and weeboon wanted to go kbox.
i was sooooooooooooo tempted!
but im seriously extremely broke.
've been spending money like water.oh man.
plus i havent gone home early since dont know when.
so went home after that haha.
tmr's full dress rehearsal!
i really hope everything goes well.
everyone jiayou!!!
+ val-* @ 8:45 PM
Saturday, July 26, 2008
The happiest people in the world are not those who have no problems, but those who learn to live with things that are less than perfect.
don't have the best of everything.
They just
make the best of everything.
Live simply.
Love generously.
Care deeply.
Speak kindly.
sometimes i really have loads to whine about abt life.
but i really dont think it suck.
i used to think so though.
but humans are like that.
we think of the bad,not the good.
sometimes i just like to have a quiet moment for myself.
not to emo,but to reflect.
for every whine i have,surely i had something good out of it.
for God has His own plans.
in His time.
i think it's so true.
that u experience something bad before u know wad's good.
be hated to cherish love.
become enemies to cherish frens.
be humiliated to know humility.
to be deprived something to know blessings.
i havent really been in the best of moods nowadays.
i've thoroughly enjoyed myself all these wks since pharmacy camp.
every single bit of it.
but i feel my old self creeping out.
and im desperate to squash it back.
soon i'll give up though.
cos it's easier to be ME.
smile,for you're the one who loves the sun;
+ val-* @ 8:52 PM
Thursday, July 24, 2008
soo many things happened and i feel like blogging like here it goes.
work at boss gave me stuff to do and went for a seminar but i forgot the access pswd and ended up slacking for 1.5hrs.didnt do much and left for rag prac.everything was still quite messy but prac was more slack than before.
met shuyi and immanuel to go for rag prac.had combined with guards and i think it was the most productive prac ever cos everything was more or less settled.almost everyone stay for supper at fong seng.suddenly everyone started passing around ics and army pass and student pass.some look quite diff but others like never change(so good).
met my og at harbourfront mrt.alot were late and we played taidee at the mrt station while waiting for them.lunch at seah-im and roman pointed out a super obscene thing(HAHAHA).too obscene for details but roman and weepin sure can tell the story super interestingly.took monorail there(my 1st time) but actually nothing much.played beach volley until my arms blueblack=/then played monkey in the water plus trying to put algae on each others head.super funny.felt like a 12 yr old kid(i mean 5).
went to hc to collect my grad cert at 830 then head to nus uhwc for my med checkup.the whole process was pretty fast i cld reach AS7 at 1030.ended up waiting super long for the rest cos they ate at clementi b4 dapao-ing for me.was pretty relieved when siying came cos i was entertaining myself by dancing looking through my grad cert and reading prac is still pretty slack.went dinner with abt 7 pple and took 10 home with chunyim.still feel super tired so im going off soon.
wah i seriously like wanling's way of blogging.find myself too longwinded usually.and..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY BRO!have to blog one day earlier cos tmr i'll be staying over at nus haiz.
+ val-* @ 11:04 PM
Sunday, July 20, 2008
i dont want to work tmr!!!!!!!
i feel like this is my last wk on earth.
live like there's no next wk.
oh man.
hope i dont collapse or sth.
+ val-* @ 11:27 PM
Saturday, July 19, 2008
i look at my schedule for this wk and next wk and shudders.
rag was tue thur fri.mon was was slack.not that bad.
today was supposed to have induction but i danced from 1130-3 and 5-9 on fri.
too tired to go seriously.
later there's volunteers retreat.supposed to stay over but dont think i can tahan.
next wk.
mon work half day then rag.
tue going back to hc to collect grad cert plus rag.
wed og outing at sentosa.(my mum's going to kill me)
thurs medical check up plus rag.
fri pharmacy and fos talk plus rag plus stayover in sch.
sat rag dry run plus fellowship.(supposed to have MINDS sports day but u just think if i can go)
oh fine with the schedule honestly.
i just feel ULTRA bad to my mum.
she cant cook dinner because of me and of course she worries for my "busy-ness"
prob next mon and maybe thurs i'll go back for dinner(:
i feel ULTRA bad to my brother too.
next fri is his birthday and i wont be home the entire day.
i feel ULTRA bad to my dad.
most probably he doesnt have dinner too cos im not going home for mine=/
luckily no volunteer session for both sundays cos they have activities on sat instead.
if not my mum will seriously scream.
it's alright!it'll be over soon and everything will be okay!
smile,it's the next best thing ur lips can do.
+ val-* @ 12:15 PM
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
watched red cliff with my mum today at amk hub.
the effects are pretty cool but damn bloody haha.
that's why i dont really like war movies.
but i would say this one is worth watching.
at least it's a good way to know our history haha.
subtle humour here and there.
but it's the quite diao kind haha.
zhugeliang is so shuai!!!!!
zhouyu stand beside him also pale in comparison haha.
lin chi-lin is really like a pretty vase in that show.
i think zhaowei was pretty good though(:
ate the korean ban4 fan4 at the foodcourt after the movie.
it's my 1st time trying i love it!
gave my mum all the cucmber and the spicy veg though haha.
still it tasted really good!
and the portion's just nice.
well speaking abt food my appetite is on the increase.
i can finish fish and co meals and ichiban sets when i couldnt at times.
i finish my food without feeling extremely full now.
i get hungry easier.
haha maybe it's dance.
but nonono!
must slow down haha
if not immanuel will suffer more as the days go by haha.
i swear crunches make u hungry though.
tmr's rag dance prac again!
i love my days now cos it's filled with dance!
love dance!
*looks forward*
+ val-* @ 9:33 PM
Monday, July 14, 2008
i went for driving lessons last wk happily telling all my new instructors that my ftt is next tue.
the fact never set in.
until i saw gerald studying for his ftt on sunday.
i really havent started studying at all.
no available slots for ftt trials.
i took the last resort of buying the ACE ftt Q&A book.
the one i used for btt.
but guess wad.
it has a freaking 600 questions!!!
i study till qn200 i felt saturated.
400 came and i felt brain dead.
at 438 i couldnt take it anymore.
oh man!!!
and it's tmr!
and i have to pass it cos im going to complete my driving lessons this fri.
it sure doesnt help not using my brains for mugging for 6mths.
jiayou valerie!
+ val-* @ 8:29 PM
Saturday, July 12, 2008
fish and co glasshouse on fri night with my og mates!

waiting for 4latecomers!-.-

me and wanling(:

last minute decision to celebrate fariha's bdae(: ahh i forgot to rotate the photo!

the 8 of us from one end...

and from the late comers end..
then we went vivo rooftop to wait for weiting and jiansheng to come..
and thus a game (many rounds) of asshole taidi!
how can my og do without that game(:

when jiansheng came,fariha left.
so he took over the asshole postition and became king the next instant!oh man!
weiting actually cabbed over and she looked really tired.
felt so bad cos we didnt do much after she came.
but at least weepin and weeboon went with her and wanling to fong seng for supper and walked them back to their halls(:
thanks weep and weeb!
if not i'll feel worse haha.
MINDS wkshop on sat morning.
had to wake up at 630!
i half didnt want to go,but im glad i went!
the lecture was boring but the demo was really informative!

see this tray scattered with raisins?
it's to teach the trainees to use the "pincer-grip" instead of grabbing their food.
so cool right?
and this is only one of the many techniques i learnt to help a trainee eat and dress more easily.

zhihao trying on the vest used to teach the trainee to button up.
zhihao:ehh how to button?
ct:come ur finger put here and do this....

hahaha ok i made that convo up.
but yeah i liked the wkshop and hope there'll be more of these coming(:
then it was rush to sch for award presentation day(apd)
just the usual speeches and collection of awards.
but wah can see that hc really has loads of talents.
i feel inferior there haha.
204 pple have 7As and above leh!that's abt 22% of the cohort i think.
which explains why my percentile for each subj never exceeded 80% before.
and above 70% is rare la-.-
anw here's the sportman of the year!
presenting...hoe wah toon!

haha do our class proud!since siva only nominated claire for outstanding student's award(osa).
like wth.
other classes have like tonnes of pple receiving the osa award!
i think shueli really really deserves it at least.
siva should really be less narrow minded and bias.hmph.
and having slpt at 12+ ytd and waking up at 6+ im zombified.
nite world!
+ val-* @ 10:43 PM
Thursday, July 10, 2008
haha had another prac today.
omg i feel heavy.
have to hop onto immanuel and i pity him haha.
it was warm up 1st.

i can see you!*looks under*

crunches.wah i gave up half way cos the bone above my pelvis hurt like mad.cos u press against it when u come up.and the floor is damn hard!

roman in ijtp uniform.LOL.

see how pro everyone looks!
hahahahaha.rag dance really rocks!
huggs to roman and weiting for choreographing and for being so patient!
appreciate the hardwork u all put in.
and to everyone who had the courage to join dance!
let's all jiayou together!(:
oh ya i got myself an older bro out of nowhere.
and he's none other than weepin!
cos roman suggested he should have an english name.
and it turned out to be bell.
cos weeping bell!
oh my so lame right?!
then he just said im his younger sis cos val and bell.
i tell u i was just.diao.
in any case it's quite cool la.
i only have a younger brother anw.
and i have a few adopted younger sisters and brothers.
so it's a nice change!hahaha.
+ val-* @ 10:37 PM
dont blame me for being high i got a horrible scolding from both my parents ytd when i told them i forgot if i clicked accept.
now i can go for my dance prac in peace!
+ val-* @ 8:58 AM
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
guess wad.
i dont think i accepted my hostel application!!!
oh my.
i cant rmb if i clicked accept or not.
and i dont think i did can!
wish me luck.
oh man.
learnt the finale song ytd.
i swear im a dance retard haha.
when they started video-ing us i forgot 80% of the steps.
so pro right-.-
and i promise promise promise to do crunches!
i see my tummy fats and thigh fats i feel so zibei haha.
nearly died after the crunches prac.
had to follow the beat of the song and it aint slow k!
the floor was freaking pain too!
by tmr i shall be more toned i promise!
*stands in a ma3 bu4 position and type*
anyway i think the storyline for rag dance is sooooooooo cool!
im going to be a mechanic btw(:
all the more i have to start doing my crunches cos there are going to be quite alot of stunts=/
and i've been throwing my towel and catching it.
but i look damn unglam when im doing it.
some things just need abit of talent haha.
jiayou val!
kudos to roman and weiting!!!they're super pro!
quote kartikeya:
roman and weiting,
Ni men zhen de hen sexy!
Ni men zhen de zhen de zhen de hen sexy!
Ni men li mian hen sexy!
Ni men wai mian ye hen sexy!
Ni men li mian wai mian dou hen sexy!oh btw rag falls on my birthday. happy half sad.haha.
cos it's quite meaningful but hey,it's my bdae leh hahaha.
nvm,i shall work hard for rag 1st!
can't stop smiling;
+ val-* @ 5:32 PM
Monday, July 7, 2008

the Ogoun pharmily!LOVEEE!

at lavender during the amazing race

me jiahui jasmine!

xuanwei(she's a yr4 can u believe it) me wanling(ogl)

me and fariha(:

me and our leader weepin

jasmine's cards for asshole taidi(:

the asshole of our last asshole taidi game haha.

jiansheng,who convenient forgot my name on the last day-.-

sleeping beauty

omg gays!

me and wee boon

disappearing eyes act muahaha.

me and yongqiang(ogl)

ouch obi obi!

me and kiat yun(:

da gurls!

preparing to leave=(

4 duo hua (4 flowers)

me and yanling(muacks)

cant stop gaying-.-




clumsy cos im..

falling in love...



shereen and me!

weiting(dance ic) and me(:

ka ching!

i wanna take you away..

kungfu panda!


puppeteer and puppet(:

wad's up there?

wanling making her attack on fariha haha

tuki tuki tuki tuki,tongkat tongkat..

SP night

ogoun banja!

presenting to you OGOUN once again!
+ val-* @ 4:49 PM