Saturday, August 30, 2008
Kbox pics!
with jiahui and my 2 gor gors(:


weeboon and me!

weepin and me!

the four of us(:
pandemonium on fri night.was umm.psycho-ed to go haha.but nothing much actually.just camwhored alittle.cos the fun starts much later and we all dont feel like waiting haha.
pics(they look pretty chui so not uploading alot):

the initial gang:me weijiang YONGSHENG & PINGSIEW huimin

the girls:yingting pingsiew shuyi huimin me(:
life's been great as usual.actually i dont feel that stressed even though im not studying during the wkdays AT ALL cos thankfully i started can finish studying during the wkends.
if not i think i'll feel like killing myself.haha.
school life is really great.
i think i want these 4 yrs to pass real slowly.
and hopefully i'll get to know everyone gradually.
shldnt be that big an ambition right?
haha 130 pple.
i'll just try lol.
kinda like anatomy.
now i can rattle off bone names!
head to arm:cranial,maxilla,mandible,clavicle,scapula,clavicle,humerus, ulna,radius,phalanges.
neck to legs:vertebrae,sternum,ribs,pelvic bone,femur,patella,fibula,tibia.
so fun!
muscles still cannot really rmb haha.
but i can rmb gluteus maximus!
that's ur butt muscle btw.
my 1st test is in 8days.and it's ppda.(u dont want to know wad it stands for)
my favourite subject but the hardest to study for=/
+ val-* @ 2:25 AM
Sunday, August 24, 2008
2weeks have passed.
actually i am enjoying my uni life.
no doubt pharmacy is tough.
no doubt most of my classmates are closet muggers(LOL)
no doubt my lecturers are...partially chui
no doubt the lectures are hard to pay attention in
no doubt half the time i dont understand the lectures
no doubt i keep getting brain drained on my 8-6 days.
i dont regret choosing pharmacy.
i love the unity and cosy-ness(the size) of the cohort.
i love how the snrs and jnrs are pretty close.
i love how we can always kope stuff from our snrs and get really useful advice from them.
i love how i can mix with different people most of the time(although i admit i dont know alot of ppl yet but the key word is YET)
i love the daidee sessions
i love all the scandalising and gossiping(just take it with an open mind and u'll be fine)
i love the crazy bitching sessions with my girl-frens
i love the crazy "super sick beneath the innocent surface" talks with the guys
i love the super lame mass convos and mealtimes when either ys weepin chunyim or weijiang is around
i love the organic chem part no matter how much i struggle to understand
i love the cadavas and skeletons(haha im sadist) and everything just seems so amazing to me
i love how the notes are so pathetic it inspires me to do research(more like wiki haha) on stuff im unsure of and learn even more in the process
i love how chan sui yung really supports us from the bottom of her heart
i love how our lecturers also try to help us in answering our breaktime questions
and how i really really really really really love everything there is about pharmacy in nus.
and i love staying in pgp!
and how my life is now.
pretty balanced btwn mugging and playing i feel(:
pharmacy loveeeeeeeeeeeeee!
+ val-* @ 12:17 AM
Saturday, August 16, 2008
finally the rag pictures!

the mechanics(:

dear shueli came to support(:

my small pharmily(:
me,mag sis,weiting da sao,weeboon da ge and weepin gor gor haha.

post rag celeb at holland v swensens(:
the year 1 dancers!(we rock haha)

encore dance performance after we won(:

after make up
pingsiew yongsheng(classrep aka sindee) shuli me weiting

the alicia stunt group!
top ali o,left chunyim,center jiexiang,right ah cai,front me!
oooooh la la, HA!

my dance partner immanuel

mag sis with her body paint on!so cool right!
and one wk of sch has passed.
eh both fun and stressful.
the daidee sessions really helped in relaxing.
but after a draining day like thurs u cant even think properly during daidee.haiz.
pharmacy is scary.
1st wk and im feeling the stress haha.(u cant believe it right!)
nvm,i believe i can do it de!
just need perserverence and a calm composure(:
gambatte my pharmily!
+ val-* @ 10:45 PM
Sunday, August 10, 2008
the most memorable bdae;
i thought i was immuned to surprises
cos i can always realise something happening around me before the surprise comes
but i was SO wrong.
i had such a great birthday thanks to my dearies(:
tue was flag day.
i promised shue to have dinner with her so i called her.
dinner at ps,6.
was supposed to go back nus with my area ppl at 6 actually.
shueli wanted dinner plus gelare.
so i suggested gelare only.
there she passed me my present from zhihao,her,esther,ct,xh.
i was so tired i didnt notice her carrying the big packet.
love the present btw(:thanks!!!
then when i was abt to leave,someone tapped me from the back.
it was zhihao!!!
i was really surprised!!
he bought a really nice cake from eh.some high class cakeshop that starts with c haha.
super nice!
so i stayed abit longer since he made the effort to rush down from work.
*so touched*
love my god bro and sis loads(:
08/08/08was waken by an influx of msg at midnight.
although i slpt at 11pm and had to wake up at 2am initially,tell me if i'll miss the 1st min of my bdae haha.
went back to slp at abt 1230.
woke up by cons at 2 only to tell us we can wake up at 430 cos it's raining(:(:
woke up at 430,ate a lovely breakfast(thanks cons)
followed by loads of well wishes
and that unforgettable happy bdae song by who else but chunyim and my 2 bros
super hilarious(:
did make up and waited for dry run and the real performance to come.
*fast fwd*
we were super high after the performance.
im sure everyone knew they did their best and we did well(:
award ceremony was super high.
when we were abt to leave the place,weeboon let me try the mumbo thing!
i forgot who's cam that pic was in=/
super fun!
but i almost couldnt get up initially
then my 2nd try i was dangling in mid air horizontally haha
and yay my 3rd try succeeded(:
nice gor gor let me try again cos i was so excited abt it haha
then we had to pack up and i brought a bottle of alien blue paint back from the tent.
and being the super high me,i started running after weijiang with the paint brush hahaha
*fast fwd*
in the end ys,weeb,siying,huiyang all got abit of the blue paint=D
but i kena the most lor.
supposedly bdae presents from the rest.
oh ya did i mention i got weird presents?
instant coffee,milo packet,blue patches on my face,etcetc
but i really appreciate every single thing.serious.
love you guys!muah!
got so much more to say but my mum's killing me soon.
-to be continued-
+ val-* @ 10:04 PM
Saturday, August 9, 2008
after 1mth of practice,today is finally the final performance.
most creative plus best performance.
wad more needs to be said?
3cheers to:
roman and weiting,our hot + hotter dance ics
sean,our really capable rag head
terence,the float ic and all the support he lent to dance
chief engineer,for the super duper ultra goodlooking floats
constance and cheryl,the 2 super hardworking secretaries
siying and ali o,for the wonderful trust fall and flip
all floaters,who had a hard time touching up when the rain damanged our float
dancers,for all the thick and thin we went through together
supporters,u guys ROCK pharmacy to the max
everyone else who loves pharmacy and pharmacy rag!
thanks for all the birthday wishes and surprises too pple!
im so touched!
shall blog more the next post
as it is my eyes are popping out soon lol.
+ val-* @ 1:08 AM
Saturday, August 2, 2008
im soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired!
oh man finally can really rest for the wk.
didnt feel like coming online at all for a few days although i very much wanted to.
the full dress rehearsal was a killer cos i went full out.
my muscles ache like crap and i didnt want to get up once i lay down on bed.
ytd prac was not that bad.
but today's one i pretty much went almost full out for 3times and full out for the last time.
slpt like a log on the train.
from harbourfront to sk k!
and i almost missed my stop LOL.
and i wasnt slacking just now.
had to pack wadeva's left to bring to pgp.
plus install all my mp3,cam,etc software into my laptop.
i love my cosy room(:
going to shift in tmr.
i'll miss home!
and for my busy wk the reward was quite alot of good food(:
swensens,chicken chop at holland v,green hse cafe at vivo,megabytes,gourmet cafe at pgp,etc.
i feel like a glutton haha.
anw some overdued pics:

my god-siblings(:

me and sam at pgp to recee(:

stunt prac!we tou1 lan3!haha

qing lu zhuang!(noveau tee plus mechanics costume hybrid haha)

see!we've got mo qi!mechanics in yellow and guards in black haha
too tired to elaborate.
but my days are basically rag,rag,and rag.
tired but extremely satisfying.
look forward to practice,rag preview,full dress,dry run, and rag itself!!!
and of course..... (:
pharmacy will give everyone a shock of their lives by wad we've achieved!
go pharm rag!(:
+ val-* @ 5:48 PM