Sunday, December 28, 2008
i have 310 pics to upload since night cycling!
AHHH this is wad comes from procrastinating!
(btw 310 is only night cycling + eileen's bdae celebration like ohman.)
had a great time today with a rather weird group but still fun!
no thanks to weepin and jiahui for the 902 incident-.-
suddenly couldnt really get used to it after no one mentioning it for some time HAHA.
i've learnt alot of things recently but i guess nothing changes much for me.
but i felt great seeing jiahui today(:
and weepin too!
wanna meet with bag and jas too!
at least i saw them at xpharm(:
i miss pingsiew xinyi and all the pharm pple!
i miss 75(which im going to see soon on 3rd jan=D)
i guess i can never stay home for long.
not a good thing eh :x
okay pics up soon pple!(i hope)
+ val-* @ 1:49 AM
Friday, December 26, 2008
christmas was fun!all the gift exchanges,christmas lunches,and thanksgiving.
thank God for leading me and guiding me this whole year, good A level results, for giving me a clear direction of what i wanted to study, for a great uni life,lovely uni frens, and good results.thank was spent peacefully at home most of the time beside christmas celebrations, a good rest after a crazy start of the holidays.
no pics of wadsoever so far,for my camera has been MIA for quite some time cos i forgot to charge my batt haha.
after this christmas break is a mad rush of activities again. in jan perhaps not so much, but it's too early to say cos things just pop up ever so randomly haha.
i miss my friends and 75!i cant wait for sat and 30th and 3rd jan(:
+ val-* @ 7:38 PM
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
haha other than that nothing much to be happy about. missed my target by 0.1=/
that's one grade point okay.
the greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it's too low and we reach it - michelangelowhich means i must work harder for next sem.
and choose my electives wisely cos they really help in pulling up my cap(:
which means no freshman sem cos it's an SU subject.
shall go source for electives i like and can do well in(:
for those who did well,
congrats and keep up the good work for next sem!
for those who didnt do well,
let no feeling of discouragement prey upon you, and in the end you are sure to succeed -abraham lincoln
and jiayou for next sem k!
haha so the conclusion is everybody continue to jiayou next sem!=D
merry christmas and happy holidays for now!
+ val-* @ 11:53 AM
Monday, December 22, 2008
yay receive my 1st bout of christmas present on sun from my dear church friends=D
got: a butterfly necklace, a small pouch, 2 journals, a small magnet, 2 box of chocolates.
okay u all can see the favourite gift options for christmas.haha.
but i still appreciate all the effort of shopping for them!(i know it isnt easy=x)
met up with my dear TWIN choohua today!
had kfc breakfast (it's not that nice and not filling)
then we gift-exchanged.
it's a nike bottle that's like rach's

argh they dont have my bottle's colour online's
soft grey and
SO it's called DA LU(with the 2 dots on top). YAY!haha
was deciding btwn da hui da qing and da lu.then i decided da lu sounds the most shun kou haha.
love my twin!<3
can't wait for christmas to come!
+ val-* @ 5:51 PM
Sunday, December 21, 2008
currently reading: pride and prejudice
ages since i've started on a book.
im reading at snail speed (the lang takes awhile for me to comprehend)
so far it's a pretty good book.
Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us.just something to ponder.
too many things that happen leave me too little time to blog about the events lest time for myself.humans arent ever contented, are they?
i guess jasmine is more ept in expressing herself about this,so i shant say much.
if i just stop and think i guess i must be thankful just for the fact that my activities dont really least i kind of have time for everyone who asked me out.time for myself, guess i do have some too la.and i guess there'll be more to come after christmas, since everyone would be preparing for sch i shall enjoy going out with my frens 1st(:
+ val-* @ 8:36 PM
Saturday, December 13, 2008
people cannot live on unless they're needed.
that's why everyone works so hard for their studies,their jobs..
in order to become a person needed by someone else.
hold on to your dreams.
+ val-* @ 3:37 PM
Thursday, December 11, 2008
tuesentosa was super fun although the group wasnt the usual group u would see in class.
yongsheng qingcheng samuel yoongwend immanuel mandy siying shuyi me.
ate lunch at carl's junior vivo and headed to siloso beach.
played frisbee,drench ys and throw sand on him(like mua chee haha)
i think we're all old pple.
we played monkey with frisbee for awhile and we were all craving for a water break.HAHA
then there was a shower and dark clouds,so we decided to shift our belingings from the tent to the pavillon.
JUST when we shifted everything, it stopped we shifted back to the tent. -.-
and it was super sunny again=D
played captain ball next with a soccer ball.
oh man i think we're really old.
even the guys couldnt stand runnning to and fro in the sand for long.
approx 5min and we're off for another water break haha.
then it was time for the sea!
not all of us went down cos some didnt bring a change of clothes.
then yongsheng yoongwend siying and me decided to swim to the opposite island(i didnt know that it isnt allowed oops)
wah i tell u i swim and swim and swim and i felt i was never going to reach the island hahaha.
then island was super comfortable!
i was facing away from the sun and lying down on the sandy part in the sea,which was shallow and extended pretty far.
yay can tan my legs and avoid a sunburnt face=D
then siying and yongsheng decided to go climb the rocks(heh heh)
after a while we swam back.
oh man my toes actually cramped on my swim back.super dumb.
1st time i actually have leg cramps(or rather toe cramps).
but surprisingly i could still swim haha.maybe cos it's toes only.
then we went LUGE!
yongsheng: let's go lu3 ge1!
mandy: no it's looooshhhhhh.
it was super fun la!and it was only 6bucks(usual i think 10+)!
my 1st time so i was abit apprehensive.
turned out that the skyride was really nice with a nice view and above all the trees(:
then the luge.
i think the 1st time was quite stupid la.
i didnt really know how to manoveur myself so i didnt really dare to go fast.
then yongsheng keep banging me(idiot)
we went TWICE YAY!
cos it was too exciting!and cheap!
the 2nd time was better at least i didnt brake for the luge except when i was dodging this whole family with lots of kids.
dinner at sushi tei vivo.
ehh it's not that cheap pple bluff me=/
but the salmon don was quite nice la(:
yongsheng suggested we go vivo rooftop area to chill.
yongsheng: can feel the wind slapping ur face...
someone else: how not romantic.
another person: should be feel the wind kiss your cheeks...
HAHA it was super funny at the point of time.
somehow when i say funny stuff it becomes not funny.
anw,so we went to vivo roof to chill and watch the nightlights.
camwhored and waded into the shallow pool haha.
took pictures of the enormous lighted christmas tree there(like ALOT of pics).
then we went home!
(pictures up later)
todayxpharm dry run was a totally slack thing.
haha mainly cos i was helping mandy with the designing of the certs of participation in the ps room while the rest were trying out the games.
guess everyone had fun too la.
wasnt a very chaotic affair.
ended up doing nothing after lunch but playing psp dj max haha.
(pictures up later too)
ahh i think im falling sick.walked in the rain alittle on mon(cos it was freaking raining the whole day),soaking my legs in the shallow pool at vivo and coming out of it when there was a cold wind blowing...not surprising that im sick haha.okay la i think shouldnt be that serious haha(i hope not cos im going out for the next few days and xpharm is around the corner!)
+ val-* @ 12:53 AM
Monday, December 8, 2008
sundayhavent been to MINDS for a long time since exams started.
they had art and craft session!
see my trainee gladys is so smart!

she did this all by herself!=D

so pretty right!!
then played with the trainees at the playground nearby and back at the centre for their tea(:
miss all this haha.
there are new volunteers too and they're nice=D
after volunteer i went AMK hub to meet my dear SNSO junior sarah!havent seen her since sec sch i think!-huggs-

chatted with her till quite late hahah.we have never ending stuff to say!
mondaywent for a church youth conference today.quite addifying haha.
it was a 930-5 thing but i left at 3 to join MINDS trainees at downtown east for a circus performance!
the performances were awesome!couldnt really take good photos cos i dont dare to use flash and they were always moving haha.took some videos though.
(photos up soon!)
took the trainees back to AMK and on the bus some of them got abit high haha.
started acting like they're the tour guide and also sang christmas songs etc.super high!
they're so cute la!love them(:
ate dinner with some of the volunteers at a coffeeshop(zhi cha/zhu2 chao3).the food was quite nice and dont know if everyone was hungry or wad we finished eating dinner in like half an hour i think!
going sentosa tmr,foc 1st meeting and xpharm dry run on wed,MINDS camp on sat,i have a busy holiday's fun la i must say.and plenty of photos coming up!=D
tis this season to be jolly;
+ val-* @ 10:45 PM
Sunday, December 7, 2008
go figure.dont ask me.
+ val-* @ 12:00 AM
Friday, December 5, 2008
well 2days of rotting at home watching house.
life's pleasure.
havent felt like this in ages.
but it does feel abit boring to be cooped up at home though.
think im too used to being out.
even at pgp i dont exactly stay in my room much haha.

anw talking abt house i've finished season1(yay)
but there's still season 2-4 oh man.
it's interesting but ahh i think i lost my interest in sitting in front of the comp for long hours.
before uni started i think i can finish one season in 1day or slightly more.
now im taking 2days haha.
think i've learnt alot from watching house.
plus abit of research that is.
but sometimes i cant even get the disease name then it's quite a pity.
from this show i can see that being a doctor is really not easy.
u get blamed for making wrong diagnosis(like duh)
but it's not easy to be right all the time.
sometimes i still kind of disagree with house way of treating his patients.
it's completely radical and he's taking ALOT of risks!
i think if he's not a genius and that most of his diagnosis is right in the end he would have killed countless patients!
looking forward to the rest of the seasons but think i'll switch to jap drama for a while.
2 in mind:galileo and code blue.
must at least finish these 2 this hols haha.
+ val-* @ 9:33 PM
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
yay exams are over!im abit slow haha.i didnt say how was my last test but let's just not talk abt it cos i think my post is going to be damn long!nvm i'll let pictures speak more k!
timbre was great!love the atmosphere and i was pretty much rotting haha.think i got abit high halfway.the whiskey was lovely(my 1st time drinking whiskey).tasted fantastic with ginger ale(:with green tea also not bad la haha.

on our way to arthouse timbre

pingsiew me siying mandy

the guys

in the toilet(:



everyone-samuel+the waitress(:

ping-er and me(:

look at the contrast!

da gurls!
today morning choohua yoongwend and me went to haw par villa!cos it's just behind pgp haha.took stupid pictures but it was super fun!

on our journey to knowing more of the past...

haw par villa!

opens from 9-7!FREE ADMISSION=D


this way please!


tiger balm!so amusing haha


spot choohua!

ahh helppp dont strangle me!

errr choohua wad are u doing?!

ba xian guo hai!

yoongwend HUMSUP!

cool poem.saying that if their medicine dont work they'll pay back twice or sth like that.

animal version...

...human version!

i want a hug too!

yoongwend is hungry.


policemen wear shorts!

it's the night fever night fever...

go see facebook comments!!!!!

on the fence surrounding the villa.scariest face of them all.looks like joker haha. some tower(u cant see the whole tower-.-)

bring it on!

us in front of tang seng's white horse(:

butterfly!so pretty!(we saw a komodo dragon too btw!super huge!)

the end of our journey...

then it was cleaning the ps room..packing my stuff..laundry with choohua..taidee..shifting stuff to pingsiew's room..dinner..supper..
super relaxing day!love post exams!
and pple please jio me fast!my holiday is overflowing with acitivities!love my life!<3
+ val-* @ 11:11 PM