Friday, January 30, 2009
i will stop daydreaming.
there's so many things to do,so much to look forward for in this sem.
but im feeling lazy ahhhh.
anw thanks everyone who came for the lou hei on thurs night at pgp!
think everyone had fun right?
im glad=D
plus we got to know an exchange student from san diego - Tina(:
taught her how to play bridge!
some of them stayed in my room to play black jack,bridge, and german bridge till abt 1am.
rachel is the clown of the night!damn hilarious!
jas stayed in my room and we woke up at 10plus to meet jiahui for lunch and colours lect(:
today was another nuah day.
but somehow i feel quite tired.
and it's only 11plus!
nvm shall study colours now!
exams on tue!
motivated to go watch the webcast now(im grateful for it cos the lecturer is incomprehensible/inaudible)
+ val-* @ 11:36 PM
Monday, January 26, 2009
apparently the in thing is not to ask wad u're studying or if u have a bf/gf.
so fascinating meh.
i know im 2nd shortest among my cousins even my pri6 cousin is 170 omg dont have to rub it in thanks.175 169 164 158.
so is my bro among the guy cousins.184 180 179 175.
crazy right.
other than that im done with visitations.
this year not bad la.
spend less time rotting with nothing to do.
happy CNY!
+ val-* @ 11:29 PM
Saturday, January 24, 2009
it's yet another happy day today.
went bugis to shop.
pei my fren buy new year clothes.
so last min right.
nevertheless,bugis is still FREAKING crowded.bleah.
ate at victor's kitchen cos my fren wanted to try.
love the dimsum there!u pple should go try too if u havent,it's heavenly.
anw i tried their quail egg siew mai and some mango pomelo dessert that i've never tried before.
the quail egg siew mai is rather blend and it comes with veg below(which is weird, feels like im eating rou4 bao instead),but the dessert was fabulous i must's not too watery and the mango is just right to neutralise the bitterness of pomelo(although it's still slightly bitter so those who dont like pomelo may not like it as much).
i would say pomelo and mango is a good match.blends well with each other and the resultng bittersweet taste is just right.u all should try that if u're going there!
then when i reached home i faced a whiny mum who was tired after work and wanted a nice pedicure only to find that beauty parlours are flooded with pple she did pedicure by herself.the full routine k!as in soak leg scrub dead skin etc.
then she offered to do my nails for me.
i was so touched la!
then after she did my nails she turned to me and said,30buck pls.
im broke can!no monetary payments=x
so in return i gave her a massage=D
whee it's a happy day.
+ val-* @ 10:24 PM
Friday, January 23, 2009
today is a super duper happy day for me!
dont know why but i had reason to be happy nearly very single moment of today.
went back to HC for CNY celebrations with sam dearie and med soc pple.
laugh damn alot talking to my crazy dear sis!
when we reached hc they just started the bazaar.
they no longer have fac dance=/
but the usual bazaar was still present plus an addition lau yu sheng event!
there was extra so we lau-ed too=D
went to colours lect and neurostunned bagbag!
that made me laugh heartily again=D
then during lunch i tried the engin canteen fish soup.
it's going to be my fav food in sch for a while man.
comes in those steamboat pot with a fire and steaming hot!
the soup base was uber delicious and the fish is the smoothest i've ever seen man.
i feel so blissful when i ate it!
and it's at a cheap cheap cheap rate of 2.5bucks!
ohman can we go engin for lunch for often pretty pleaseeeeeee(:(:(:
then at the bustop i couldnt help but neurostunned bag again.
his un-geled hair is so tempting to stun!hahahaha
after lunch jiahui went to my room to nua!
we played some music and talk crap.
cant rmb wad but it was damn funny also haha.
cos some pig woke up at 2pm omg.
the pig who said he'll go for lsm lecture at 10.
when he told me that the night b4 i was like wah!pigs can fly!
now i know they really dont-.-
hahahaha.damn funny.
foc meeting was alright la.
just sit there and
stone listen and contribute ideas which i thought was quite crap haha
dapao-ed dinner and chionged for ps meeting.
somehow the mood was pretty light hearted today and there was alot of joking going on.
pretty enjoyable=D
weepin and edwin were damn hilarious la.
keep trying to sabo each other haha.
packed and went home since meeting ended at 8(im seriously surprised).
got a lift from weepin's dad to grateful!!
sat at the back of the lorry.
sry i sound like a suaku but yeah the wind felt really good=D
i couldnt help laughing at the feeling=D
okay i think im in a super good mood today.
have no idea why man.
but yeah im in a super good mood today=D
HAPPY CNY EVERYONE!it felt good talking to you again(:
+ val-* @ 10:49 PM
Saturday, January 17, 2009
i know i can walk run jump in high heels but dance?!!helllllp.
+ val-* @ 12:31 PM
Friday, January 16, 2009
sorry im abit ji dong cos heyhey i never thought i could pass the auditions!
it's like the one they conducted in HC last time for modern dance,
it like:
1)basics.test flexibility(u pple who know me knows im like extremely inflexible)
got all the kick front side back, spin 3 rounds(i lost my balance omg), jump pose and bend backwards ahhh.
i feel like a clown for this round la.luckily sam dearie taught me how to kick properly somewhat last time!couldnt do the jump and spin.the bend backwards was pretty okay i guess.
YAY i tell u i was damn relieved that it's much easier than the dance blast one la!i could do the routine after doing it for like 5 times or sth.whee~it's simple and nice!=D
uh,i sucked the most for this?cos i couldnt even do 2 counts of 8.oops.
anw, all of this was over and tada i got in!!!happyhappyhappy~!!
got posted to broadway jazz,mixed feelings man.
my 1st reaction was,EEE.
broadway!!hmm how to say,it's not exactly the kind of dance i wanted to do when i wanted to join.
but on 2nd thoughts,it's something new that i can try.
i've already tried ballet(when i was super young),hiphop,modern,lyrical jazz,salsa,latin dances,cheerleading routines.
so why not broadway=D
1st dance prac next mon 8-10.
im excited!!
dont know anyone but i shall make new friends!
dance loveee!
+ val-* @ 11:23 PM
Saturday, January 10, 2009
too lazy to upload photos.
me feeling happier now yays!
today was a great day!im glad the last few days of my hols were spent this way!
swam at anchorvale swimming pool with shuyi and immanuel from 11-3!
it's damn fun la,cos it's super fast(no floats).
there's this open slide one which we could go down sitting upright or lying down.
so we started experimenting and concluded lying down was faster.
got 4 rather fat guys slide down sitting upright.
they went down so fast they glided across the water before sinking to the bottom can!!
we were like stunned.
so we decided to experiment a few more times sitting up.
push ourselves harder,lean foward,handpositioning...
none really worked.
refusing to give up we observed them again.
guess wad they were happily talking to one another and just sliding down normally la!
so we concluded to achieve the same result and speed..
eat more.HAHA
then we went jack's place to eat.
their student deals are so worth it!
8+bucks for soup bread main course double scoop ice cream and drink!(gst,service charge incl)
worth rights!
eat till 4plus and chiong home to change to meet sherman they all for nyonya food at beauty world.
didnt have to chiong can-.-
me thought me late.
the rest meeting 6pm at orchard.635 i just passed newton.
in the end me reach earliest.
why like that haha.
waited at macs then edwin came abt 10min later.
then we waited somemore for the rest(sherman soks shuli) to arrive.
when they did we went to the restaurant to order food while waiting for d and xs.
then we waited for damn long for the food to arrive.
but it was worth it la.
got soup,chicken,beef,pork,omelette,fish,veg.
me dont know the names of the dishes oops.u want to know ask sherman hor.haha
but the assam fish is the best!
i love the spicy and sour sauce!super kai1wei4.
the babi pongteh(pork) and the beef rendang also nice!
ehh,if u can foresee im going to say everything else is nice too haha.
but these are the nicer ones la(:
then we went island creamery.
me never go island creamery for a loooooooooong time!
heart the mudpie still(: loveeeeeeeee!
see,perfect day rights?
love the company,love the activities.
+ val-* @ 12:45 AM
Thursday, January 8, 2009
sometimes, it's okay not to take what pple say too seriously.
because you urself know best what the truth is.
if it isn't like wad others tell you it is,then take it that they have their reasons for saying that to you.
if it is,then yeah you know it too.
sometimes,it's okay if pple around you treat you differently.
because everyone adapts to changes differently.
if it's for the worse,there's either something wrong with you, or something wrong with him/her.
either way it doesnt matter.
if it's for the better,good for you.
moral of the story: dont think to much.
+ val-* @ 11:27 PM
henderson waves.the whole trail from alexandra arch to mt faber to harbourfront was really enjoyable.
ahh continue blogging tired haha.
+ val-* @ 2:29 AM
Sunday, January 4, 2009
im here again.
and i dont know why again.
as u can see im rather restless nowadays.
i wonder why.
+ val-* @ 11:25 PM
hmm.why am i here.
anw it was jc class gathering just now and it was fun!
i really miss all of 75!
it was nice catching up with each other again(:
cant wait for the pics!
told me dear sis sam alot alot of things haha.
heard alot from her too!
i love talking to her(:
ahh okay this entry sounds so...fuyan haha.
alot of thoughts keep running through my mind recently,
maybe it's cos i have more free time now.
so having free time isnt exactly a good thing haha.
but it does give me time to reflect as well la.
nvm next wk im jam packed with activities again!
cant wait(:
+ val-* @ 12:46 AM
Friday, January 2, 2009
when people look down on you,you must work doubly hard.
when people laugh at you, you must show them that you can.
haha i just happened to catch this phrase on buliangxiaohua.
+ val-* @ 7:21 PM
Thursday, January 1, 2009
the usual 'new year' post.recaping the past,looking into the future.
2008 was...

75 jc class gathering

jason and peixuan's wedding

working at 'the shop opp cottage waffle place'
at givaudan with the interns

yellow pages
wildwildwet with sam dear(:
getting to know the amk minds youth group and the trainees(:
catching up with frens...


ooh la la..~whoosh!
then from uni life onwards...
it was frens,new frens, and more frens!
countless activities with my frens!
kbox,nightcycling,quadfacbash,bdae celebrations...
a hectic term(prob getting worse next sem),nusps exco,3wks of solid mugging with twin and rach,exams..
i hence conclude year1 sem1 of pharmacy.
wad more can i wish for this year?i think i've been really blessed for 2008.
for 2009,
i just wish that God will continue to lead my life and guide me.
i've always typed my resolutions on my blog but ehh, this year i havent made my resolutions to be honest.
maybe i shant make any.haha.
+ val-* @ 1:30 PM