Saturday, February 28, 2009
reach my house lift lobby only to realise i didnt bring my house keys home.
called home and no one answered my call bleah.
so i called my bro to be greeted by a sleepy mmmmmmmmmmm.(i think he meant hello haha.)
damn lucky man he stayed over at his frens house so he slept in late today.
so when i went up the door was opened and welcome home!
my bro still with his ruffled hair and the 'i just woke up' grumpy look.
he went to the freezer and ask me you shen me dong xi ke yi zhu de?
haha i havent been home i took a peek in the fridge and freezer.
found nuggets and udon.
zhu gei wo lei,wo du zi chao e.oh well,couldnt reject him since he helped me open the door.
got on with cooking and was sweating like mad cos today's a hot day.
and whee it turned out pretty nice(:
the LOOK.the taste was abit bland haha.out of touch le sian.cos i dont cook in pgp.
nice mah?umm hungry anything also can la.HAHA.okay least it's not that bad then.
home is the best!at least i can cook sth when im hungry.
miss the stove and oven.the stove at pgp is abit...not working haha.
i love home and pgp! conflicting.
and mid sem break is almost over.sigh the next few weeks are hell weeks for me.good luck la(:
+ val-* @ 2:17 PM
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
when a girl is absolutely bored staring at her colours notes which she has to pore over 1 slide for half an hour to understand the damn slide this is the result:

of course there are more but shall not freak u all out with them haha.then she decided to take random stuff:

vday flowers dried nicely

my room!realised i havent really posted a pic of it.

SLR cameras. no im not into them it's in my colours notes and without any explanation at all-.-
i wonder how long i'll take to finish studying colours man.and the 1st 5 lectures are tested again!woots save me.i think i forgot everything hahaha.still at lect7 ohmy.
alright better continue studying.ciao!
+ val-* @ 5:22 PM
mid sem break!
haha so far i've been slacking my ass off.
although i sent quite a number of emails out ytd plus settle most(can never be all cos it's never ending) of my non accademic stuff
so today is study day!
love the good start when i open my curtain and the sun is smiling brightly at me!
hope i can complete my biochem webcasts and finish colours today.
ahhh so ambitious.
but i barely have any time left this wk bleah.
all reserved for playing LOL.
sometimes i dont know why i still bother trying some stuff.
but i know if i dont try i might regret it.or not?
save me some trouble haha.
+ val-* @ 11:34 AM
Friday, February 20, 2009
dance preview was over in a thrice, and we were the most prepared item yay!
even though im not really dancing much in the item,i really appreciate this chance yanling gave me to perform in her item(: it's a really cool concept,broadway jazz.never really tried it before but i kind of like the mix u can get from it.
i love dance!i love the person who's HLB is super high also!
next wk is recess la people.have a great week!
+ val-* @ 9:20 PM
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
peaceful days...dear girl,i really want to know how u feel about the whole thing but there's no way i'll know.there's so much i want to ask u,so much i want to clarify,and so much i want to tell u.
but there's no turning back,and i can only hope to seek ur understanding wadeva happened.
because u didnt treat me as one,there's no reason for me to treat u the same way though i did's more than just words and thoughts;
+ val-* @ 10:54 PM
Sunday, February 15, 2009
vday was lovely ytd(:
thanks edwin for planning everything and for putting so much effort into it.
im touched(:
if u all want to know more go bug him dont come find me hahahahahah.
okay la.u all can come find me also.later he say i so bad push all the interrogation to him.i think he had a bad time with the yr2s already haha.
+ val-* @ 4:57 PM
Saturday, February 14, 2009
these few days have been blissful.oh well if u know good for sure u all could guess it without me having to say anything(:
thanks twin for helping me today!=D
+ val-* @ 1:37 AM
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
these 2 weeks are so busy!
so many things had happened and im feeling happy sad annoyed excited worried flustered delighted touched blur yadayada....
dance is giving me blueblacks and aches but keeping me alive.
lagging in webcasts makes me really dismayed but is a reminder for me to stop slacking and work harder(so i watched lsm webcast today=D)
mrt stuff is never ending it makes me slightly stressed but at the same time becomes the thing that i keep procrastinating (and procrastinating and procrastinating)....
other stuff that i constantly have in my mind are flooding my body with all sorts of emotions.(wad the heck am i talking about in this sentence)
okay ciao no time to really blog.
+ val-* @ 10:04 PM
Friday, February 6, 2009
thanks to everyone who wished me luck today(:
disappoint u all le sorry!
nevertheless today's a good were the previous few days.
got ke dance later(:
thanks for waking up so freaking early to msg me!i really appreciate it(:
+ val-* @ 6:01 PM
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
my neck aches,my shoulders ache,my back aches,my whole legs ache.
either im old or im old haha.
had dance prac ytd.
enjoyed it as usual.
just love dancing(:
if only i can dance well haha.
i wanna be able to do split again!
i shall train my flexibility as much as i can!
colours test is finally over!
wad i can say is that,doesnt make a diff whether i studied harder or not.
my brain cant think fast enough.
i can add and subtract numbers but colours?!!
i calculate until i blur haha.
aiyer.nvm it's only a CA anw.
whee i feel so much better now after settling my CA and the website stuff today!
getting back my free time.
actually it's still quite hectic this wk although there are barely lessons.
i love my fufilling life haha.
+ val-* @ 12:23 AM
Monday, February 2, 2009
i think i should get more slp.
it's affecting my concentration etc.
but the reason why i stay up late is cos i've things to do.
not just to chat(i should stop going online)
if i dont stay up late i dont have time to do the things.
speaking of which, im freaking busy but i feel free.
poor time management i guess.
must be more disciplined already.
im feeling stressed but slack.
wad a crappy combi. off to bed.
tmr will be a
better hellish day.
+ val-* @ 12:18 AM