Wednesday, July 29, 2009
i know this post came alittle late but i've really been super busy nowadays!!zzz.
so i *** dance prac today to do my stuff!
hope no one at ke knows my blog.
but hell i think im the only one who goes for prac this freq anw.i need a break period.
sorry if u keep hearing mention abt my bruise it hurts like crap!
now i have 4 bruises aligned in a diamond shape with the bottom one at my tailbone!
thanks to trying to not get up from the floor everytime using the same point as the pivot.
but all in all i think i learnt quite alot in joining ke dance!
got to try all the stunts which was really an eye opener for me since i suck at dancing and flexibility.
still cant manage to do one of them.
and my partner *** prac ytd!went to sentosa zzz.
anw yeah last fri after the pharm congress i went to casadochurrasco, a brazilian restaurant to eat(:
the food is awesome!!
mandy u'll love it there man!

i went there and was awed by the appetisers which has a super wide variety like mussel SMOKE SALMON ESCARGOTS potato gratin pumpkin soup those long stick of bread all sort of veg and salads some stewed thingy blah blah blah.
i helped myself to a full plate before all the meat start coming.
the chefs walks around with the meat on a stick and will slice the meat on the spot for u!
damndamndamndamn cool la!

and i lovelovelove the cooked pineappleswith cinammon!i think i ate more than 5slices of those=x

and they taste really good after i got really sick of all the meat!!!it's damn alot of meat okay!
it just keeps coming and coming until i get really sick of eating meat.
the beef and the mutton just rocks la!
just that the beef can be alittle too bloody at times.
the chicken and pork was so so.but omg i ate chicken heart!quite gross actually.
all in all i think it's a really good deal la.cos there's is passion card 1 for 1 discount so total it's only 45bucks!originally 45bucks per person.
i think i ate there for more than 2 hours and by then i could barely walk man.had to spam pineapples and veg towards the end and rest for like 15min before i could take a bus back haha.

it's a really cool experience!go try(:
+ val-* @ 1:24 PM
Sunday, July 26, 2009
i suddenly got this crazy thought of re-running my post.
no i wont!
but amidst all the insane schedules and busy life i cant seem to put anything down.
i just want to do everything im on now.
although im like exhausted.
siao right.
and doubly siao to want to re-run my post.
think im too insane to think straight.
+ val-* @ 1:10 AM
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
it takes alot of courage and trust in the other person
it took me awhile to cast away my fears during the 1st stunt i tried at ke.
even though it was a simple one i was really shocked at the suggestion at 1st.
but the person whom i did it with really tried his best to make me feel safe about the whole thing
wrung his tee taut so that my hands wont slip,trying to make sure im ready before he spins me around..
really appreciate that.
and it was really fun!
that really boost my confidence in trying more stunts(:
that made me venture to wanting to try harder stunts.
but haiz.
i realised the problem alr.
my flexibility.
it's not that i didnt go high enough.
i just couldnt bring my legs close to my body for it to look like im doing the fan kick facing upwards.
ohman.i hate my hard like stone body.
i know flexibility can be trained but it's really really tough to start now and it hurts like mad.
sigh.i shall try to perservere(:
+ val-* @ 2:24 AM
Friday, July 17, 2009 you think you can dance.well,they definitely can.
i feel the intensity of this dance,
and i feel it ever so deeply...
today is one of those days where i feel especially emo.
not those "wallow in self pity and thoughts" kind
but those days where i just feel like spilling out my feelings and unhappy stuff to somebody.
oh wait that was just now
now im at the wallowing stage cos there's no one to talk to now
and talking to my mum just made me feel worse.
i know she didnt mean it and wadeva she said was right..
but im left at the starting point once again.
thanks readers for reading my sadness.
that's all i need really(:
dont have to tag or console me or ask me abt it.
not like i'd tell u when u ask cos i'd probably be alright when u ask alr and by asking or tagging or conforting me u just made me think abt it again and i'll start wallowing again.
so just read and that's that.
+ val-* @ 11:27 PM
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
hahahaha omg i blogged 3 times today.
that's wad happens when u're rotting at home after so many days out.
anw the 5 closest fren thing on facebook is so interesting.
it list YW as one of my closest fren haha.
hmmmmmmm.i guess so when we were living in pgp.
and yay jiahui's 1st one my list and im 1st on hers too=D
but that application is going to get 1/5 from me cos it didnt list bag and jas and pingsiew and blah blah blah!
oh im in chunyim's listO.o
jas dont kill meXD
just kidding la.
and im laughing at zhiyao's list!!!!
zhiyao u're destined to be with the og la!dont deny it anymore!
+ val-* @ 7:48 PM
_________ super sad now!!!the reason that gave me a reason to leave my house and accompany him back came too late!
forget it.
i shall watch my videos online and enjoy a well deserved break for my poor aching body.
even so, im still sad la!
+ val-* @ 4:56 PM
today i had a super fun time dancing!
learnt jas's routine which i was super impressed with when she did it(and less impressed when i did it-.-)
then chiong for ke dance prac.
which is super hiong and they teach super fast!
and the moves made me giddy and feeling too inflexible.
and also gave me a pretty bruise on my L1 vertebrae and sacrum.
guess i'll be used to it after a few pracs.
will be dancing mon wed thu sat this wk.
dont know to be happy or not haha.
i like dance but not the traveling!
and definitely not the muscle aches!
jiayou jiayou everyone!
+ val-* @ 12:12 AM
Sunday, July 12, 2009
i am so tired but happy from dance!
and i think i grew skinner (go away weepin!)
dance really helps to slim down!but must control diet also.
cos dance really makes me super duper hungry at the end of every session!
next wk surprisingly not so hiong.
only mon and thu got dance(: and maybe sat...
i love the ke rag dance routine!!!da da da da da da dum di da dum.
twin and i have opposite fates.sigh......
+ val-* @ 11:30 PM
Friday, July 10, 2009
thanks to not doing proper warm up. time must do warm up properly 1st.
im loving all the dance routines im learning now!
love the ke rag ones!!!
one is so graceful and one is so bubbly!
enjoyed myself thoroughly although it was super rush learning the steps(:
cant wait for more dance pracs!
if only they were not at night!!!really prefer it to be in the day time haha.
jazzitude's one is not bad la.but the moves lack speed in comparison to the song.
lack speed means even if u dance with alot of energy also become no energy.
the 2nd part is nice but sadly they havent taught me yet.
sigh.i should have just learn it man.
i think maybe it's just me;
+ val-* @ 11:24 PM
Friday, July 3, 2009
i think maybe im really the anormaly afterall.
i never wanted to believe that pple see only the bad points and not the good.
i...finally realised it myself.
during a feedback session when everyone was supposed to contribute comments
i was all eager to say i really think everyone did a great so and blah blah..
while waiting for my turn to come i heard all the complaints and unhappiness abt stuff that i didnt observe.well maybe cos it didnt happen in the people around me.
i felt so sad abt it.
but my turn never came cos everyone was stuck at discussing all the bad stuff.
i wonder if i said my part would pple just like nod to give an acknowledgement and it would just pass like that;
or would they just shoot back and disagree with me?
during some small talk i had with another group of people
again i was going to say that they're a pretty nice bunch.
and AGAIN i heard all the complaints only.
they are seriously not that bad wad(i totally feel like putting this sentence in CAPS)
im not trying to say im a saint here.
i know that they werent a FANTASTIC bunch of perfect pple.
but they were good enough for me at least.
and some of the bad points u all raised up for goodness sake i didnt notice them until u all said so.
come on la more optimistic in life please.
makes ur life happier and others too.
makes everyone's life more pleasant.
+ val-* @ 11:59 AM