Saturday, October 31, 2009
anw i've really been enjoying myself these 2 days=D
havent had such fun in agesssssssssssssss
feels reallyreallygood to be catching up with friends again
friends who MIA for damn long..
friend whom i havent had a chance to HTHT with for damn long also..
was looking forward to the end of sch ytd
cos there's yep meeting,dance,and then chillout!=D=D=D
it was nice to see how our yep project is progressing..and i hope it'll be a good experience(:
dance was just fun!
the song is so's three by britney speares(:
the dance is fast and catchy!super fun!
chillout was
HAHA.cos pooljunction closed down sadly!=(
became this club called manqo which looks damn cheena=(
but anw it was a nice and comfy place and we sang abit.HAHA.
but i think we should drop by for tauhuay before drinking next time..
think my stomach was pretty empty after dance.
and i thought milo would do the trick.
freaking liquids only have half life of 18min.
which means my stomach was effectively empty by the time we started drinking.
think that's wad happened to some of us too.
so next time tauhuay 1st!!!
i really didnt drink that much ytd.SADLY.
my last cup was freaking 100% ginger
but anw, it was still a nicenicenicenice day!
so happy!
hopefully i'll be in a better mood for everything now.
but i still have to wear formal on tue AGAIN.wth.
okay la it's not such a bad thing.
let's just see aha.
+ val-* @ 2:08 PM
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Presenting to you....


arent they pretty(:
and i did the right one today.and the left one last wkend.
cant believe i did it the wkend before stats test and during the hellweek(although it's kind of over for me alr).just taking a well deserved break!
and a well deserved break i did take!
went out with meinu after our sp presentation(thank goodness it wasnt that bad)
haha it's a BIG deak ok.
was so stressed for the past goodness knows how many weeks.
went to eat WATAMI at ion.
super nice food super nice service and super nice ambient
like 3dishes for abt 33 in total?
and super filling man!
happy to the max.ultimate indulgence!
then we walked around ion..well sort of.
cos we never know where to find the shops and keep going back to B2 to look at the directory.
hahaha.and i think it really makes a diff to dress like a working adult.
we got damn good service today la!(or maybe it's just cause it's US=D)
after shopping for wad we thought was damn long but it was only like 3+ hours
we chanced upon this gelato shop at level 1 near the entrance from orchard road.
Gustissimo if im not wrong.wahh we tried super alot of flavours.
the person damn nice la scoop one spoon for each flavour for each of us!
but the flavours are really nice and unique!
we took mango,mixed berries,hazelnut,and tiramisu.
ALL DAMN NICE!and not very ex if u share with someone haha.
and who cares u'll prob only eat it once in a while and today's the day to celebrate!
me and rachel just enjoyed ourselves to our hearts content(:
intro to tai tai life!hahaha
havent felt so good in ages!
yay now i feel recharged for exam period.good good!
dont want to chiong when im like a dead fish heh.
jiayou everyone!!!
+ val-* @ 10:28 PM
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
nope it's not EC,but *****!
sadly i dont get to see him
but it's alright ahahaha.
+ val-* @ 12:05 AM
Monday, October 26, 2009
actually,i think im sounding more and more emo.
and i think im really becoming more and more depressed.
when i start using the phrase,"everything just screws up"
i got abit scared of myself.
like wth why am i sounding so freaking pessimistic.
but when u start using that phrase,
you realise how many things can screw up each day.
and the good things just fades away in the background.
i dont like myself like this.
maybe i should start saying something good.
like for one,EC was qt nice to me today!hahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
it sucks that the moment linked to it is so sucky.
ohshit im sounding emo-y again argh.
forget it.
all this shall pass soon i hope.
please let me be my crazy self again!
she's unbelievable
oh i like her style;--------------------------------------------------
+ val-* @ 10:51 PM
dont ever mention any number that's a factor of 5 to me.i think it'll haunt me forever.argh.
Anw i think i have no affinity with lab.thankgoodness im going to work in a hospital,not industry haha.
+ val-* @ 6:03 PM
Sunday, October 25, 2009
it sucks when ur abs(or flabs) are aching from wadeva.
it sucks more when ur abs are in this state and u have a coughing or laughing fit.
+ val-* @ 6:38 PM
Saturday, October 24, 2009
the dance of my soul now;
+ val-* @ 8:05 PM
Thursday, October 22, 2009
today,i just added another agenda onto my alr overflowing list.
like wth right.
but surprisingly,im feeling okay.
not sure it's because im alr getting used to things coming nonstop(u know,jie er lian san)
or simply cos im pretty jaded abt everything already.
and for once,
although i came back home late,
i actually watched tv after dinner.
i think,that's the right way.
time is always not enough,(not money!)
so why choose to deprive myself instead.
anw i had lots of fun when sch started.
and tmr im going to print poster(reads victor's kitchen).
so it's time to take things in my stride.
at least i know 125 pple being in the same boat as i am.
all still ploughing through.
it'll be over soon!
jiayou val!jiayou everyone!=D
+ val-* @ 9:53 PM
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
where is the peace i so greatly sought after.
that once lasted me for 6months.
amidst turbulences there was peace.
now im chained.
being led along and not being able to do anything.
for that i am so weak to not resist.
like a tamed animal.
behind all that facade,
wad's real becomes an act.
wad's an act became real.
the impression sticks.
why didnt i learn from others?
seeing the consequences for myself.
i guess i only learn the hard way.
gor u were right abt ur only regret.
and now im regretting.
argh yes im emoing again.
just let me be.
my mouth is sealed this time.
how i wish,
once i say,mischief managed.
and everything will just turn to nothing.
and i can continue walking like nothing ever happened.
anw sth random,
when i was walking home,
i saw an elderly couple holding hands.
and the old man was looking like he's prouder of his wife than anything else.
chest out,heads up.but with a look of niceness(dont know how to say haha)
and for that split of a moment,
i believe in love.
what's fairytale;
+ val-* @ 5:09 PM
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
actually now that i finished my pharm anal really anal lab report, i actually feel quite i can concentrate on my geog.and sp doesnt seem so daunting afterall.
at least that's for trying not to think of next wk yet.hahaha.
although things are not going the smoothest way now,
im still thankful for everything that happened to me and will not regret any choices i made.
and i'd pull through!
because there's always You walking beside me, helping me along(:
+ val-* @ 1:21 AM
Sunday, October 18, 2009
it feels good to cry when u're angry.
i swear it has a therapeutic effect(:
makes u feel better after that and more able to forgive and forget wadeva that happened.
doesnt affect anyone since u're not channeling ur anger to anyone or anything.
does not have to tell anyone else what happened.
doesn not affect wad u've been doing (except to have swollen eyes).
oh yeah.crying is good.feels good.
+ val-* @ 10:49 PM
Saturday, October 17, 2009
im done for.why am i so gullible?
+ val-* @ 7:54 PM
Thursday, October 15, 2009
i thought i'll only die for this 2 weeks cos next wk is hell wk.
then i realised that the following wk is equally hellish.
try surviving on 5hours per day for 2 wks alr
only to be "told" that this will continue for another 2 more wks after this wk.
kill meeeeeeeeeeee.
havent gone to facebook(=slack) for 2 days alr.
how pathetic.
pharm anal test results are finally out.
1st test result of the sem.
not satisfied but okayy la.
after klf went through the paper and i alr have so much mistakes
wad more can i ask for right.
shall aim to do well for pharm anal like i did for ppda!
jiayou val!!!!
just abit more,and abit more will be over soon.
one step at a time(:
+ val-* @ 12:12 AM
Saturday, October 10, 2009
when things like this happen i just feel like hiding in my shell all over again and not try to crawl out ever.
+ val-* @ 11:21 PM
Thursday, October 1, 2009
now i dont know if i made the right decision.
since it cant be reversed, i have to learn how to deal with it.
and i hope that one that i will be truer to myself.
+ val-* @ 11:58 PM