Wednesday, June 30, 2010
where do you draw the line between joking and sacarsm.
i really dont get it you know.
usually you tell it from the tone right.
but wah apparently not.
i really dont know what to make of it.
but maybe there's really something wrong with me.
isnt it right to say that do onto other what you'd do onto self.
so if you dont want others to pass sacarstic remarks abt you then you dont do it in the 1st place right.
im quite pissed now but more upset because now that i think back,
whatever you said might just probably be right.
although it really makes me think if i should resort to such stuff just to get conversations going.
+ val-* @ 12:44 AM
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
why must tennis matches be so late=x
and all the exciting ones drag forever.
i think i look damn chui cos of slping late and waking up early=x
i thought i can wake up later now that preceptorship has ended!
apparently not=x
still got alot of acitivities.
im a busy girl hahaha.
+ val-* @ 1:09 AM
Sunday, June 27, 2010

actually i only think the colours are damn cool.
i dont need so many colours for my eyes man.
like how often i even wear makeup HAHA.
and TADA!!
my new dance and running shoes!
now got GSS so got 15% off,quite worth it!
and it's DAMN COMFORTABLE!(just see how thick the base is)
+ val-* @ 10:38 PM

-stares at shoes-
-stares at wallet-
+ val-* @ 12:50 AM
Friday, June 25, 2010

more grace than i can ever ask for(:
+ val-* @ 11:59 PM
time in disarray.
do you think if i worked harder now i can taste the sweetness in july?
cos i feel that i did a hundred and one things today
yet there's still hundred and one things to do.
i should learn how to designate jobs more efficiently.
signing off,1923.
+ val-* @ 7:27 PM
i thought my holidays will be damn boring before i fly to europe.
but actually i have damn alot of stuff to do!
i mean ipsf stuff.
they're like taking alot alot of my time surprisingly!!
and just this wk to go out on 2days is taking a toll on my other days to meet deadlines.
nvm i guess it's good that im settling quite alot of things this wk
cos next wk seems even busier,
cos im going out for even more days i think=x
hmm i dont know why im complaining.
i mean i kind of brought this upon myself right.
and if i dont have all these,
i guess i will feel uneasy being too free.
maybe i just havent had enough of a break yet since preceptorship ended.
had fun today though!
watched she's out of my league which was pretty entertaining=D
chilled at starbucks for a while.
shopped for shoes at bugis.
supposed to shop for dance shoes but cant find.
ended up buying pumps insteadXD
find it abit too shiny nowthough.super AA!
ate dinner at victor's kitchen before going for
hiphop and street jazz!
turns out that it's the same teacher cos replacement.
but i enjoyed it!
i feel good dancing after so long!=D
had abit of problem catching up today though,
no idea why cos ytd was alright.
on my way home i was just thinking about some stuff,
was thinking abt being treasurer in jazz comm.
i dont know wad to make out of it,
it's not really a post that i want but...
nvm it's too late to think abt it.
but from this i got some ling wu.
aim higher.i wanna watch karate kid!!!!who wants to watch with me?(:
+ val-* @ 2:05 AM
Monday, June 21, 2010
since ytd.
so weird sia.
and i learnt that it's called blepharospasm.
+ val-* @ 9:03 PM
preceptorship's over.
but at the same time part of me still wish that 6wks would continue as it was.
anyway life's all about moving on.
look forward to ur hols val!
+ val-* @ 1:54 AM
Sunday, June 13, 2010
you know, all these while i've been trying to figure out my personality,
figure out what kind of person i should be.
then one night when i was praying, the answer came naturally in my prayer.
Dear Lord, help me be what YOU want me to be.even i myself was quite shocked when this line came blurting out.
and i got reminded of this song:
For you i will livewhy have you chosen me
out of millions ur child to be
you know all the wrong
i have done.
o how could you pardon me
forgive me iniquities
to save me,
give Jesus Your son?
o Lord help me bewhat you want me to beYour Word i will strive to life, i now givefor You i will liveand walk by Your sideall the way.i am amazed to know
that a God a so great could love me so
is willing and wanting to bless
His grace is so wonderful
His mercy so bountiful
i can't understand,
i confess.
In this world of darkness
many lives are filled with emptiness
they too need to know of Your love.
o Lord, help me point to them
the Truth, the Life the Way,
and to light each path i tread
from day to day.
+ val-* @ 4:59 PM
Thursday, June 10, 2010
everything in His time.
how comforting these words were.
to me who realised how infant i am in His kingdom.
at least it's better to realise it now than later.
and motivates me to strengthen my faith even more.
thanks kaye(:
and i think im going to end my reflections.
pretty satisfied with the outcomes,
although i accidentally slipped into emoness when i wasnt careful.
so dangerous!
what if i cant pull myself together again!
but thank God i can, i realised i always do
because of God's grace.
thanks God(:
+ val-* @ 12:11 AM
Sunday, June 6, 2010
suddenly i got so much time today and i feel that i've just wasted all my time away.
well not really.
i played quite alot of hymns on my piano
to my hearts content(:
that's all you need to know.
turn your eyes upon Jesus,look full in His wonderful face,and the things on earth will grow strangely dim,in the light of His glory and grace.i have a dream..
to be able to play my piano 24hours a day
with nobody around but the Lord and angels.
aka in my house with nobody at home.
+ val-* @ 10:23 PM
i havent looked at this box in my facebook profile for ages, but since im undergoing a reflective period this should help abit. help me figure out how i am like now and characteristics that i should consider about to be a better person (in God's opinion).
Big five personality questionaireOpenness (56%) - uhh yes, half half. prob cos i go to a pretty traditional church and from a conservative family. but bcos of my agreeability im quite accepting of others following new trends/ideas that may/may not be against my principles as long as i stand firm on my principles and am not involved.
This trait refers to the extent to which you prefer novelty versus convention. Approximately 11% of respondents have a lower openness raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who is down-to-earth and prefers things to be simple and straightforwards. You might say that it just makes life easier if things don't change unnecessarily, that the arts are of no practical use to you, and that you think tradition is more important than others do.
Reflective question: How do you react to change?Conscientiousness (81%) - haha yes, i like order in my life i guess. my room is..not THAT tidy though XD
This trait refers to the extent to which you prefer an organised, or a flexible, approach in life. Approximately 88% of respondents have a lower conscientiousness raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who is a perfectionist. From your responses it appears that you prefer to plan everything to the last detail, which has consequently led to you being very successful and extremely reliable. From your responses it appears that more than most you enjoy seeing your long-term plans come to fruition.
Reflective question: How does being in an untidy environment make you feel?Extraversion (81%) - woah that's high!i guess im gradually moving away from Intraversion.... something im trying very hard now. cos i think it's quite sad to not be sociable. i can survive being alone at home though,kind of like the quietness.
This trait refers to the extent to which you enjoy company, and seek excitement and stimulation. Approximately 85% of respondents have a lower extraversion raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who is constantly energetic, exuberant and active. Your answers describe you as someone who aims to be the centre of attention at social occasions, asserts yourself when in groups, and usually says, "Yes!"
Reflective question: Do you prefer to be busy all the time? Why?Agreeableness (88%) - yeah totally.although i hate it when people tell me anything, i love using anything HAHA. unless it concerns work/study. when my performance is in jeopardy then too bad.coincides with my strong need for good quality work.
This trait refers to the way you express your opinions and manage relationships. Approximately 95% of respondents have a lower agreeableness raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who is extremely easy to get along with. Your responses suggest that you would say you are considerate, friendly, generous and helpful and you consider most other people to be thoroughly decent and trustworthy.
Reflective question: Is your co-operative preference ever taken advantage of by others?Neuroticism (Emotional stability) (56%) - quite okay still in control. optimistic is the way to go!
This trait refers to the way you cope with, and respond to, life's demands. Approximately 79% of respondents have a lower neuroticism raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who is generally calm. Based on your responses, you come across as someone who can feel emotional or stressed out by some experiences, however your feelings tend to be warranted by the situation.
Reflective question: Which situations make you feel under pressure and which situations do not?and they even translated this to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (the usual 4 letter personality type). and apparently, im ESFJ, contrary to my usual ISFJ!
ESFJs are warmly interested in others. They use their Sensing and Judging characteristics to gather specific, detailed information about others, and turn this information into supportive judgments. They want to like people, and tend to be skilled at bringing out the best in others. They strive to understand other points of view. The ESFJs' strong desire to be liked, and for everything to be pleasant, makes them highly supportive of others. People like to be around ESFJs, because ESFJs have a gift for making people feel good about themselves. All else being equal, ESFJs enjoy being in charge. They see problems clearly and delegate easily, work hard and play with zest.okay la which means i have quite a fixed personality except for the E/I which im still struggling with(prob borderline anw).
it's a good thing because at least now i know i work this way, will be less confused abt myself and know where to go from fact maybe ESFJ suits me better than ISFJ, i've always felt that the description for ISFJ wasnt quite 'there' abt me.
so now that i kind of know myself slightly better (long way to go) it's time to continue reflecting.
+ val-* @ 4:20 PM
Saturday, June 5, 2010
sola scriptura, sola fide, sola gratia, sola christos, soli deo gloria
A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. -Proverbs 16:9honestly im really very thankful to be in suntec.
we're a great team, in every aspect you can think of.
and i thank God for everything i had these 4wks and for the subsequent 2 wks.
nah,i don't want it to end.
but i still thank you Lord;
+ val-* @ 11:25 PM
Friday, June 4, 2010 the above website:
Do you believe in "eternal security?" If so, then you believe God rules believers' wills. Most Christians agree they can't fall away finally from Christ. Christians don't have "free will" to become atheists or Satan worshippers. Thankfully, the Lord influences our wills to keep us believing and persevering in Him until the end.
"I will give you a new heart (will) and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart (will) of flesh. I will put My Spirit within you and
cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them." (Ezek. 36:26-27)
"for it is
God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure." (Phil. 2:13)
Thank God.because if not so i don't think i could last till today..and forever more.i am going through a 21yr old crisis.
im feeling extremely reflective about stuff recently.
as in,i dont emo,my thoughts are not negative.
im just sorting out my thoughts,principles,priorities,
my faith as well.
it's as if i need to shed my old self of being non-opiniated and easy going in my daily life (doesn't apply to work/study because i can be quite opiniated for these stuff)
and start having firm principles and set everything right before i step into adulthood.
i know 21 is not a big thing.
it's just so happens that im feeling so reflective now, not earlier or later.
in a short span of 2mths(ohmy i realised it's really short)
i feel a need to make lifelong decisions.
it may not be achievable so quickly,
but it's a good start.
and probably on-going since setting the direction is just prior to the journey ahead in that direction.
here's just one of my thoughts:
last yr when i went for yep in cambodia,
it felt like i was released from the reality of life in singapore.
wonder if i spend my 21st in europe this time,
would it also feel like a dream?
would it allow me to refresh my mind?
and start anew again, a year older in sg.
+ val-* @ 9:29 PM
Thursday, June 3, 2010
somehow my experiment went all wrong.
1)staying in school allows me to concentrate on my studies better
2)being consistent is the right way to go
1)no correlation between the 2
2)aongslkjgfbsoifgaljngldihgsd.too confusing to explain this point.
if you want the fact,
i was super consistent in yr1sem1,somewhat in sem2,not consistent in yr2 esp sem2.
but i worked the hardest nearing the finals for yr1sem1 and yr2sem2.
for individual modules i do slightly worse off for modules with cas in yr2sem2 but doesnt really hold for the rest of the sems(no apparent correlation with cas/mode of ca).
okay go figure the conclusion for pt 2 urself.
i think i can only conclude, to put it simply --
somewhat/partially/whatever you prefer.
+ val-* @ 12:32 AM