Sunday, September 26, 2010
my brother keeps coughing without covering his mouth.
guess what i've got now.
anw i cant study!
it's true that pple get complacent after a good sem eh.
i didnt really want it this way but this sem is really so much slacker than the previous.
chemistry was like my favfavfavfavfav
but now i fall asleep after reading half a slide.
it was like lipinski ro5
1 is no more than 5 HBD
2 no more than 10 HBA
3 not more...500...
wakes up.
eh 4 clogP not more than 5
table of stuff..amine 2 HB... 1...HB...
ester HBD.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
in the end, i wave white flag and went to lie on my bed.
blissful sleep for 1.5hours OMGosh.
i meant to slp like,30min XDXD
but i love this life!!!!
(better say now b4 i regret when i see my results hahaha)
+ val-* @ 11:52 PM
Friday, September 24, 2010
At one time we have fallen emotionally. We've been hurt, betrayed, left out, overlooked. We carry scars from past relationships, jobs and bad choices. Most of us have been trained to pick ourselves back up and move on. We've been conditioned to put on a smile and pretend we aren't broken. The problem is most things that are broken don't fix themselves, and they don't work right until they are.
- THE KEY IS, the One who conquered death,
is the one who can mend our brokenness.
cast your cares upon Jesus,
He'll heal you today.
i can't say how much this devotional page has helped me.
but often it really helps me tide through each difficult day slightly easier.
with the knowing that God is always by my side(:
+ val-* @ 2:08 AM
Sunday, September 19, 2010
if there's anyone who's not allowed to make mistakes in my family.
that'll be me.
ain't it justifiable that i have high expectations of myself?
and for anyone else that makes mistakes,
guess who have to pacify them and make peace.
then today before coporate prayer,
we sang a hymn.
oh the grace that sought meoh the love that bought meoh the grace that brought me to the fold!and then we were suppose to give thanks
for the grace that God has given us for the past week.
so i did.
and as i prayed more and more earnestly,
i was moved.
in all my sadness,
i realised God had always been very gracious towards me(:
no matter how bad my character is,
He always blessed me with more than i can ever ask for.
in all aspects of my life.
and yes, even my family.
i FINALLY FINALLY uploaded pictures from my cam!(:(:(:

MY NEPHEW CAN WALK LIAO = tornado alert around the house

my ahma's bdae!see how happy my ahma AND my newphew is(:

my nephew's mum aka my cousin who always gives me nice clothes=D

but quite cool la horXD
heh the photos all so happy right, 4 dai tong tang!!
+ val-* @ 2:32 PM
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Lord, thank You for listening to me. Please help me be a better listener. It's easy to hear with one ear while the other is turned toward my computer, television or cell phone. I want to give the gift of listening because it communicates value to those who want me to hear them. Make me aware and willing to push past this habit so that I can be a listener like You.
every single devotion of proverbs31ministeries has been addressing my core problems that i face each day.
at the same time,
it makes me really glad that i've always have JIAHUI
be my listening ear whenever i needed one(:
you're greatly appreciated=D
and i lament for the fact that im never a good listening ear to others...
but i'll try really hard to be one!(:
+ val-* @ 4:07 PM
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Psalm 51:17, "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, You will not despise."
+ val-* @ 12:22 AM
Sunday, September 12, 2010
i've been itching to upload photos of my nephew and MAF.
when im finally in my hostel,
i realised i left my cam at home.
+ val-* @ 8:36 PM
Saturday, September 11, 2010
pictures up soon,no cables at home to transfer pics into my comp.
and ytd was my ahma's birthday too.
makes me think about growing and ageing haha.
and the cycle thing.
while one starts to walk,the other withers(for a lack of better word).
but it's quite a joy to see like everyone together,si dai tong tang!haha!
and that also means my pharmaco is going to chui!
cheers to life!
+ val-* @ 3:08 PM
Friday, September 10, 2010
"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." Proverbs 15:1
i think i have many lessons to learn from this.
during patho ytd the lecturer was saying
you see, the cell actually received many contradictory signals
but obviously it can handle it and know what to do.
+ val-* @ 11:06 AM
Thursday, September 9, 2010
im at a loss for words.
considering the fact that i can type 13249884582 words on the candidates walls.
haiz suan le.
ben xiao jie need to study!
(nono im not saying xiaojie is stupid haha)
i should go slp.
+ val-* @ 12:25 AM
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
i think im crazy.
"We are created in the image of God, and he modeled for us a way of life that makes sense for how we are created. Here's how to dance the dance of life, he said: work, be creative, use your imagination, throw yourself into it, whether you are washing dishes, reading to your kids and running a household, or trading stocks, reading corporate reports, and running a business. ...At the end of each day, stop. Take a rest, eat a good meal, get enough sleep, and refresh yourself. Take time to think about your day, to notice where God was in it and where you were blessed, and to say, "It's good." Then go back at it the next day. And after six days, take a whole day off. And say, "It's really good." Spend a whole day just pausing, just reflecting on how really good it is, and then start the dance again, at a sustainable pace."
today,i had lunch at engin.
i had tomyam fish soup.
and it's good.(:
i talked alot of rubbish in the ps room with alio cons jiahui and weepin.
read 3 lines in 2hours LOL.
managed to finish 1 pharmaco notes b4 dinner.
so it's good(:
i had a dinner khaki.
although he talks alot of rubbish
but it's good(:
i have the whole ps room to myself now.
that's God in my life.definitely.
and therefore,
tmr will be another great day!

because You're the rainbow after the rain;
+ val-* @ 7:24 PM
Monday, September 6, 2010
one smiley for today (:
i dont know why but i think i haven't felt so happy for a long long time.
on friday after serving,
i was feeling very dejected and disappointed with myself and my poor performance.
after losing oppotunities
after falling back in faith
i was given one FINALLY
and i screwed up.
everyday of the wk,
of months,
i've been waiting just for that day.
but i've no one to blame but myself.
i dont think i should give it up,
and my second chance is coming soon in 3 weeks
i'll cherrish it this time.
but things will never be the same again.
they always say,
dont compare urself with others when u serve.
but it's difficult not to when everyone else compares you with others.
then today came.
and i found inspiration in whatever step im going to take next.
i have a BIG DREAM.
it may not realise soon
it may not even realise if i dont have the perserverence.
divine intervention indeed.
after walking into the deep valleys again and again,
i think im finally climbing back uphill.
like finally.
the initial steps are always difficult
and i find myself slipping back to square one again and again.
but as long as i dont give up
the Lord won't give up on me.
so another BEEG SMILEY to my upward climb!=D
+ val-* @ 11:07 PM
Sunday, September 5, 2010
i finally dehydrated myself.
feels really good, especially when it's getting real congested inside.
thank God for your grace and mercy everyday.
i just got reminded of a song i learnt in children worship when i was very young.
in the house and out of door,
washing shoes and scrubbing floor.
washing ironing brewing tea,
sometimes making hokkien mee.
i do it all for Jesus x3
He has done so much for me.
LIKES x 1309348634.
sometimes, all the "nursery rhymes" that u learn when u're young,
just tells you alot.
sounds dumb but they're exactly what a christian should drill in his/her head.
do it all for Jesus
because he has done so much for you and me <3
+ val-* @ 3:14 PM
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Dear Lord,
I'm so thankful that when it feels like no one else understands,
You do.
You understand about being disappointed in people
but You loved them in the midst of that.
Lord, I want to follow Your example.
I'm thankful You know this sadness
is a part of healing from the pain of disappointment.
Give me guidance in handling this
-I trust that You can bring good out of this.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.
+ val-* @ 11:32 PM
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
today is such a slack day!i like!
mon i was supposed to meet zhihao and shue
but shue forgot sadded.
but it was a lighthearted outing which was quite nice haha
and it's of course a bdae treat heh!
anw ytd i had dinner with my church friends!
took stupid photos la,many random shots haha.
and what turned out to be their bdae celebration for me haha
and luckily i went if not i would have regretted.
they got me such a nice present(:

and it was kind of fun haha.
they got me a slice of pandan cake and stuck candles on it
so cute!!!!!i thought it was damn hilarious.
oh it was damn funny to cut cos the cake just keep bouncing and wouldnt be cut.

i was all ready to eat it then they got me a real cake!
photos up when they're uploaded. photos are up alr,although quite littleXD
and i got a lift back to sch,abit paiseh though cos they live in the east haha.

hmm i guess i dont regret my decision of having something on everyday.
so much so i dont have time to go for my dance people sessions=x
quite waste money haha.
cant find time to make up!
dinner with sam later,cant wait too!
my life is so exciting!
no motivation to start mugging proper at all hahahaha.
valval has a life!
and im very proud of this:
+ val-* @ 3:23 PM