Friday, December 31, 2010
before i head down to church for yet another year of quiet countdown.
2010 has been a great year i guess!
though i honestly can't rmb what i was doing in the 1st half of the year.
feels like i did nothing much but study and more ps stuff.
how boring.i realised it's good to gain experience through all these activities,
but i feel kind of no life doing all those LOL.
and yet i still took up health bazaar next yr.
but since i took it up it'll still be a good job done=D
let's see what are the memorable stuff.
if there was one thing i looked fwd to in the 1st half of the yr it has to be cactus.
but thanks to the fact that i was so busy i joined only 1 item which i sorely regret.
so this time im joining 2 items=DD
and it was cactus that i met this awesome bunch of jazzies!
the 1st time i went overseas not with the school.
i guess i kind of like the nua feeling there where everyone just see around and watch the sky.
london was really fun!
so was slovenia with my dear ones.
and a 21st that i wont forget so quickly(:
with chunyim kaye and cindy i had loads of fun!
it was really enjoyable with them around and reshma's just awesome(:
although i didn't do things like type prescriptions i get to absorb things slowly which is kind of good.
and all the bubbletea i drank then was horrendously alot.not regretting it though LOL
chunyim and kaye were awesome friends to me in their own ways despite their different personalities and helped me alot in my spiritual journey.
cindy is one dear girl who one would find initially irritating but veryveryvery lovable after awhile!
hearts suntec!
with great determination i joined vcf despite my busy schedule, and it's something i dont regret!im thankful for the friendships formed and how everyone shares so freely.maybe next sem i might not be able to go, but i was glad to be there for this year!
im glad i joined dhops this sem.although im kind of clumsy when i dance but im still happy when i dance!and i've gotten closer to the jazzies which is something im really glad about!i'll prob do waack next sem too(if i can cope) i really like it!
this year, i want to thank all my dear friends who are always there for me!
sam,you're always the 1st in my heart no matter how our lives change<3 i really appreciate all the times we had together these 5years!
weepin,jiahui, YOU are the best!the two of you supported me through my uni life at different points of time but you are always there!i think we've been through alot these 3 years and im glad we still part of each others lives!i think
the 2 of you have suffered listening to all my complaints and stories and what not hahahaha so thanks for ur ears!
bagbag,jas, you two weave in and out of my life but i really appreciate all the times we've spent together.perhaps without ogoun we might not have known each other but i think i have a unique friendship with the two of you with a special place in my heart each!bagbag,for all the neurostuns and laughter and ur random comments, thank you.jas, for the way we supported each other in random msn convos and letters and sms what not.specially etched in my heart:for this is the day that the Lord has made,we will rejoice and be glad in itXD
mandy wong dimins!i wouldnt spell ur name without the s. XD and goodness knows how many names i've given you/called you throughout the time i've known you!to think you were my ayepeedee and then we just became even closer and all the lit and MRDARCYY!!and finger wriggling and funny and chillax times spent with you and kaye was really fun!and all the books you've intro-ed lent me!
rach and neoh!you two are the babes of my life!for you all i would turn les HAHAHAHA. sheraton's was unforgettable and so were the countless times we went out together to shop bake eat etc!
alio!my baby talk buddy!im glad we became close and i can feel that we kind of understand each other!and our motivations!it's always fun just to hang out with you and talk about anything under the sun and laugh and laugh and laugh!'re a friend i thought i'll never have HAHAHA.for all the times we played guitar and piano and sing songs and eat snake during preceptorship and talk about extremely random stuff and our crazy times and our study times (takes a deep breath) thank you!
xiaojieeeee!you super random and blur girl im honoured to have ur company pretty often after school!!!and what is this you go sentosa BOJIO???!!hahahaha let's go some time!! partnee!im glad we still dance together now and have danced in many different groups together!we should go out more often haha!
what a long post.
and for my usual 5 resolutions each year that i dont even rmb for the rest of the year after i've made them,
dance more eat less pray more know my priorities love God.
there,i think my 2011 resolutions are pretty more being unrealistic.
au revoir 2010, ohayo 2011!!
+ val-* @ 7:54 PM
Saturday, December 25, 2010
when you look at the moon,
isn't it nice to know,
that someone somewhere will be looking at it too?
+ val-* @ 2:33 AM
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
i got abit sick of watching after a while.
every episode was quite torturous because it's so slow and unnecessary!
remind me that i shouldnt watch another korean drama again.
their story plot may be nice but wahh i feel like dying when im watching it.
so irritatingly draggy and slow!
+ val-* @ 10:05 PM
i suppose this is the day where my blog will have the most visitors.
unfortunately for you stalkers out there i dont put my results on my blog heehee!
let's just say im quite satisfied with my results.
it's not like perfect or nowhere near my best sem
and not like my cap improved
but at least im extremely happy with my medchem results
and the rest although could be better(that's wad i say every sem right)
but given that i was slogging my guts out for 5 consec days
i just have to congratulate myself for having come this far(:
and most imptly, all glory be to God=DD
+ val-* @ 12:28 AM
Monday, December 20, 2010
when being scornful is a defence mechanism.
+ val-* @ 4:45 PM
living in fantasy.
it's kind of an integral part of my life.
it makes me feel really happy
and contrast it with reality.
that somehow,
at the back of my mind,
i know fantasies will never happen to me.
nor to most people in this world.
but i still love to dream(:
+ val-* @ 1:33 AM
Saturday, December 11, 2010

+ val-* @ 11:58 PM
Friday, December 10, 2010
and at last i see the lights!
it's like the fog has lifted
and at last i see the lights
it's like the sky is new!
and it's warm and real and bright
and the world has somehow shifted
all at once, everything is different
now that i see You!
i always find meaning,
when i link all this to You and only You.
because these lyrics can't mean anything
without You.
+ val-* @ 2:01 AM
Monday, December 6, 2010
mandy says (2:45 AM):
i think we shouldn't watch narnia together
just keep arguing the whole movie long
.valval says (2:45 AM):
mandy says (2:45 AM):
oh but peter not in this narnia
mandy says (2:45 AM):
but i think we'll still argue
.valval says (2:45 AM):
mandy says (2:45 AM):
.valval says (2:45 AM):
mandy says (2:45 AM):
.valval says (2:45 AM):
.valval says (2:46 AM):
mandy says (2:46 AM):
+ val-* @ 2:49 AM
Sunday, December 5, 2010
finally im not out of my house today.
all because i wasnt feeling well + conjunctivitis sigh.
but it's a break i dearly needed.
the past few days have been so fun i dont know where to start describing.
going out with friends i love dearly
having fun with classmates
spending money(im really broke now)
but yeah,im happy and contented with life like this(:
why u go overseas so fast before we could even go out sia.
and ur hypersensitivity came at such a bad timing=(
must go out when u're back=D
and just to backlog abit,
during the exam period,
i felt loved.
by different groups of people.
i never once spent the whole day alone.
even if i was studying myself,
there were always friends around to have meals with me.
and the ps block was just like my home.
the one big family living in the ps room to support each other
and care and worry for each other.
buying supper,sharing milo and coffee,getting meals for each other
taking care of one another when one is sick
sharing laughter joy and complaining about exams together
even dr chew talked to us after papers
<3 the times.
+ val-* @ 1:22 PM
Friday, December 3, 2010
yayyy since exams ended i've been going out everyday!
happy but im damn tired!
happy holidays everyone!=D
+ val-* @ 1:08 AM