Tuesday, March 29, 2011
i feel very happy now.
i feel that i attained nirvana HAHA.
God put me through all these,
naturally He has the ability to see me through all these(:
in the end i really gained more than i thought i would.
not forgetting the help of BSF.
+ val-* @ 10:55 PM
Saturday, March 26, 2011
unfortunately to those who try to bring me down,
i take things in a positive light.
pharmville strengthened me r/s with those who matters alot alot to me.
and it includes you you you you and you.
and you and you and you and you.
all of you(:
thank you for staying by me and helping me along the way.
thank you for unexpected angels that care for me when im tired
thank you for all the encouragements and defensiveness.
thank you for protecting the event and making it a success.
thank you for all the tears blood and sweat.
thank you.
with that,
the event has concluded.
it is a legacy to be proud of,
and all the lessons to be learnt humbly.
only happy moments to be rmbed and cherished(:
+ val-* @ 4:18 PM
pharmville is finally over.
im really glad that there were so many positive responses about the project.
all glory be to God!
although it was a success
there were many difficulties and pains during the entire experience.
doing such a large scale project during the semester period was really crazy.
but i had a vision and would go all out to make it happen.
regardless of what others said,
regardless of what unhappiness there are about the planning and execution,
we've survived it to realise the vision.
i would go through anything for it.
it was a learning journey for many pple,
more so for me,
because even though i've led other projects,
i never really had a proper committee working under me.
so i've countless lessons to learn humbly from others.
i hope everyone will have that mindset too.
before i point fingers at others,
to look at my own iniquities first.
+ val-* @ 2:05 PM
Thursday, March 24, 2011
+ val-* @ 11:07 PM
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
yay PT is finally over!
my brain has been struggling with PV>PT.
nothing much to comment on this stage,
except that it's finally here!=D
dance was a good getaway.
haha and my instructor said
you okay or not, you look super tired.
HAHA, i guess i was.
haha shit i AM tired.
can't rmb what i want to blog alr.
goodnights world.
+ val-* @ 1:04 AM
Monday, March 21, 2011
seriously i feel like killing myself.
this is just a phrase that i utter alot nowadays.
i realised i dont really mean it HAHA.
like why would i want to kill myself seriously.
but there's sososososososososo many things to do!
keep adding onto my ever heavy workload.
got bsf,recital,pharmville blah blah blah.
really never ending.
studies is kind of killing me too.
although so far all the results has been good.
but that's cos for every peak there's a downhill.
which starts for all the results i havent gotten back.
PLUS all the tests i havent gone for.
seriously where is my priority.
i guess i wont really regret setting my priorities this way.
for a slight deterioration in results,
i got to organise an event i've always wanted to do.
and to stretch my potential.
and to learn many many many things.
to improve myself.
and to know myself better.
along the way i made many many many mistakes.
i hope i rmb those lessons.
and be reminded during these few days before the event,
not to repeat those mistakes.
keep calm,val.
remain cool-headed.
+ val-* @ 1:10 AM
Saturday, March 19, 2011
i got reminded of a happy occasion!
i think alot of ppl alr know the story but im happy so must write down HAHA.
friday we had a one hour chit chat with you-know-who.
then when we left for lunch i went to the other side of the lab to get my bag
only to realise the rest left for the canteen without waiting for me=x
okay la not on purpose.
then when i exited the lab, i stupidly did not cut through the other lab to S8 and walked one big round from the pharm blk to the canteen=x
then just nice i walk until the girls toilet at lt22,
i saw ahem walking out of the short cut which i was supposed to take just now.
i just said hi then i walk down the stairs liao
then ahem also walked down the stairs!
then ahem suddenly said valerie blah blah blah from behind
wah i chua tio cos i was quite in a daydream mode.
but it was gd news so still not bad.
then got to walk with ahem to the canteen and pass by tzening HAHA.
but actually quite awkward la.
he got the very awkward feeling when he talk to me
then i feel very awkward also.HAHA.
but i was mustering up a very casual tone like i dont feel awkward at all.HAHA.
like how i would talk to dr chew and the rest of the profs.
then i think ahem wanted to dapao from either cai fan or noodle stall
then ahem like awkward awkward err so i'll see you around
HAHA.actually it was quite amusing, cos just say okay im dapaoing from this stall,seeyou
then can liao mah!!!!
luckily i felt quite thick skin, then i said okay i'll going to find the rest, bye!
so funny!i left feeling quite good,
but i really dont like the awkward feeling, minus one.
aww damn i should have asked you-know-who if the scarecrow was still there!
cos it wasnt there alr at night><
okay i feel quite crazy.
i think i got affinity with the profs from the same group.
can chat quite happily with them,
dr chew prof chan sy prof chui prof ccye dr hhk.
the rest of the prof then like errr.
okay la, just diff sense of humour and freq HAHA.
but seriously it's nice to talk to profs,
they can teach you alot other than schoolwork.
and their stories are damn entertaining
even the gossips are just as exciting as ours!
if you want to know the gossips,
go talk to them urselves=DD
+ val-* @ 9:27 PM
i had a revelation today.
or you can call it enlightenment.
seriously, pharmville taught me alot.
never had i needed to push myself this far.
even organising the other stuff were quite minor.
i learnt how to deal with some things in a better manner.
and also to be reminded of a lesson i learnt when i was at ipsf.
on a side track,
recently there has been alot of happy news going around.
seeing these news keeps me sane and exciting for them=D
also keeps me thinking,
about my own HAHA.
and i concluded i won't have one anytime soon.
for many many reasons.
you know,
people can change.
people grow and learn from their mistakes.
who i was about 5yrs ago,and 2yrs ago
no,not the same now.
along the way,
i ask and i ask,
questions that make me think.
and change, not for others,
but for myself
and more imptly, for God.
to have a teachable heart,
to ponder over God's words,
to be humble and to learn,
they're difficult lessons for me,
but i learn.
and lean on God for wisdom and strength.
+ val-* @ 8:49 PM
Friday, March 18, 2011
Today's devotion spoke to me.
“You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love.”
Galatians 5:13 (NIV)
When I am free from ambition, I am free to serve with a joyful heart.
When I am free from selfishness, I am free from irritation.
When I am free from jealousy, I am free to rejoice in the good of another.
When I am free from judgment, I am free to pray from a pure heart.
When I am free from expectation, I am free to enjoy whatever comes.
When I am freed from controlling others, I am free to see the miraculous.
When I am truly free, I will see the Kingdom of God in my life.
How apt,for a person who is labelled as forever busy.
It's time to slow my life down and be free.
+ val-* @ 10:48 PM
all glory be to God
for fear that i may take pride in my own abilities
let me stay humbled in His presence, His holiness, and His Almighty.
+ val-* @ 4:15 PM
Thursday, March 17, 2011
you know how many times i feel like just saying,
wo bu gan le!
even then, we've come this far.
even with countless doubts and fear that constantly threaten the success of the event,
we treaded on.
as the event presses near,
all the more the problems surface.
but everyday,
God's words remind me again and again.
Trust and only trust.
be humbled by God's majesty and surrender to Him wholeheartedly.
When we feel that we've been pushed to our limits
It feels like God just pierced my faithful heart
Yet what God wants, is just total surrender.
and it's when I reach the end of self-effort that I realize what God is after—
my undivided heart.
So i'll place my trust in Him everyday of my life.
When things seem impossible to achieve
and feels like it's draining my life away
I'll cling onto the everlasting One
for strength, for energy, for courage to press on.
For everything that is not within my control,
IS in HIS control.
this i trust with all my heart.
+ val-* @ 11:12 PM
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
so tired.
there are always lovely angels around me,
showering me with care and concern when i least expect it.
in everything, trust in the Lord.
He gives rest to the weary.
+ val-* @ 9:11 PM
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
i dont know what's wrong with me.
so much i want to say,
but nobody to tell to.
everyday is yet another bold front.
and a smile for everyone(:
+ val-* @ 12:02 AM
Sunday, March 13, 2011
finally i can say to someone
ni zhi wo de xin!
i felt quite touched hahahaha.
things never stop coming.
i thought pharmville would be the end to my hectic sem2.
i really give thanks that the mods for sem2 arent killer mods.
only PT..but still okay.
if it's like yr2sem2 i would really feel like slapping myself.
it was a fun wkend,
but i feel that im going to die for my studies.
sigh nobody believe me cos in the end i'll still do okay.
but it also means less sleep and more stress.
and less time for God, for leisure and for myself.
+ val-* @ 11:00 PM
Saturday, March 12, 2011
as to why i dont think it's difficult to guess(:
clue:i went for open house!(has nth to do with what im typing later)
anw, i was helping out alittle at the pharm booth while waiting for dhops performance
and i was talking to kwee haan when 3 guys came to the booth.
so i asked if they're interested in pharmacy.
they said actually they were here to check out if science or business girls are more chio.
and my instant reply was:here quality over quantity.HAHAHA.
then the rest of the convo were quite rubbish although they did ask abit of pharm stuff.
and then they asked if kweehaan is my bf O.o
after like an hour, one of the guy came back and pulled me aside.
and he asked for my number WTHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
younger than me somemore.
i conveniently said oh im attached already,
then he still say walao never say earlier?!
i said he only asked if kweehaan's my bf what LOL.
and i left to listen to the pharm talk and also to be there cos prof chan was promoting the health campaign yay!
(and apparently someone did ask me abt the health campaign after that so yay!)
so back from digressing,
when i went back to the booth,
imagine his face when i said erm,my number.
seriously,army guys are so desperate.
+ val-* @ 9:04 PM
Reading this article got me thinking about geriatrics again.
It was the 1st specialisation i considered entering - don't ask me why.
and because i don't know why, i never thought about it anymore.
no doubt there are alot of logical and practical reasons why we should do geriatrics,
all the hoohaa about ageing population, increasing demand.
but definitely it would take you more than all these reasons to want to enter into the field!
they say geriatrics give the greatest job satisfaction.
well definitely not the highest pay, which is what pple are more concerned with.
still, i agree with the job satisfaction part - not really the job itself,
but the stories you hear from them.
when they say 姜是老的辣, it's no kidding man.
their life experiences are overflowing,
their fav sentence is that they ate more salt that we ate rice,
they like to think we're brats.
but ultimately at the end of the day,
they would love to have your company,
and they're really dear people(:
As the doctor who wrote the post said:
The heart of geriatrics revolves around listening to the stories that our patients tell, and building meaningful and deep relationships. Not only are these stories and relationships integral to providing care for the elderly, they also are what keep me going as a physician by constantly inspiring me.
i can't agree more with this.
i guess to have a wish to serve in this area is really a calling though,
i am clear that this is painting a really nice story about the real picture.
but like the doctor said, it's really not easy to explain why someone who consider working in the area of geriatrics.
it got me thinking all over again(:
+ val-* @ 12:43 AM
Friday, March 11, 2011
i felt like a xiao hai zi today.
but yeah my mood was really bad=(
quite an upsetting start of the day with more upsetting things happening.
but yeah i had kinda bueno to cheer me up(:
and an outing with helen and jiahui and belinda
for awesome thai food and icecream!=DDD
had a great time!
i think i should stop thinking about stuff today,
everything just either make my blood boil
or makes me feel terribly upset.
it's the hormones.
i should be alright by tmr=D
+ val-* @ 1:43 AM
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

this is an office.
the workspace is like your own personal space
but yet not too confining cos there's a transparent bubble for you to enjoy the vast scenery.
if only my workplace will be like that.
+ val-* @ 12:43 AM
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

THIS.is just so awesome.
i think i've overused the words awesome and inspired.
but this is really nice!!!
imagine if we have the skill to cut it for pharm ville.
it's really super nice la!
especially with the shadow.
makes everything looks so WOW.
okay my vocab sucks but you shouldnt be concentrating on that haha.
man i should try this one day.
too awesome man.
+ val-* @ 12:36 AM
Saturday, March 5, 2011
God constantly pursues us with His love.
Despite their sin,
Adam and Eve didn't leave Eden empty handed.
They left with garments lovingly made for them by God. (Genesis 3:21)
Despite their disobedience,
God commanded the Israelites to built the makeshift tabernacle wherever they went,
so that He can reside amongst them.
For when the tabernacle was built,
it was so filled with God's glory that people could not enter. (Exodus 40)
When the Israelites had a land of their own,
instead of the temporary tabernacle,
the Holy temple was built by Solomon.
Where the Lord could reside permanently.(1 Kings 6-8)
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son,
so that who ever believes will be saved and have eternal life. (John 3:16)
God came to earth and pursued us,
all the way to the grave when He died for us on the cross.
Amazing love.
3days later, He rose again and will be with all of us once again,
in heaven.
God never gives up on us.
His love endures forever.
+ val-* @ 12:39 AM
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
im so dead for nat heri.
never tried having 5chpts unread the day before the test.
+ val-* @ 9:09 PM