Thursday, June 30, 2011
have u ever thought of the bible like an owner's manual? just to read it to rescue yourself in times of needs, never to fully prepare yourself well for life's tests.
man i do. sadly. only when we need comfort, need help, need God, then we open the bible to some random page in the hope that we would chance upon a verse that would be useful to us. but if i was already equipped with God's word, i would definitely save myself from alot more trouble and sadness in the 1st place.
it's so difficult to persevere, but i will! because God preserves His children(:
and yes, similarly i would persevere in work, because it can only get better, and if it doesn't, God will take me through(:
anw today was a good day, cos mine and xiaohui's papa is back=D without him we're like orphans!
+ val-* @ 8:22 PM
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
1st setback.
then again i should have expected it right, it's already the 2nd week.
but all the more i will jiayouuuuuu!
valval is a da bu si de
zhang lang girl=D
i can do it!!!!!!!
+ val-* @ 7:56 PM
Sunday, June 26, 2011
other than readings and more readings, my weekend had a bit of spice from a chit chat session with my mum.
not sure why, she started telling me abt how she never had a lack of suitors when she was young, sounds as if she's the only woman left in sg or sth LOL.
but that's not the interesting part, it was how my dad 1st knew my mum. they were working at factories in the same vicinity. the 1st time he saw my mum, it was at the common bustop. i tell you, he used a damn cheesy pickup line LOLOLOLOLOL.
hello miss, which bus goes to Jurong? and my mum couldn't stop laughing,
my mum still just ben3ben3 give him directions then they took the bus together.
can't stop laughing buay tahan!
today, on my way back from ntuc, i saw a young couple holding hands. i was like okay. THEN i saw an old ahgong ahma holding hands.
they were super cute man!walking together like dating couples do.
haha im feeling abit da crazy now,
that reminds me of the crazy times i have with xiaohui.
like she wrote on facebook, it's really synergistic man.
we add onto each others crapiness and stupidity and compulsionsXD
thank God she's my partner=D
+ val-* @ 8:31 PM
the week just flew past=D
although i really enjoyed myself during the week at work, i must say im thankful for the weekends! i was planing to pia all my homework 1st then enjoy the rest of my wkends, but laziness ruled my bodyXD so i treated myself to jap drama and piano and surfing the net while doing my homework haha!
work has been so fun that im seriously tempted to join ncc haha! but it's good that i can get to see the world for 4yrs 1st before i commit myself to a specialty, never know if i'd like anything else right! i honestly wouldn't mind working like heart or eye or skin centre too, just like to specialise cos it's better to focus on 1 thing and learn it more in depth, rather than throwing your concentration all over the different diseases! there's just so many nitty gritty i don't even feel that i can finish learning all the cancer stuff in these 6 weeks, so there!
that being said, im actually taking things as it comes! although ncc sounds very slack, but when i do my work i try to do my best and as well as i can! not compromising on lunch time or work hours thoughXD might stay back abit to just edit certain stuff, but ncc closes at 6 anw!lol! not that i stay back alotXD when i go back home, i would slack 1st until abt 9 then i start on my homework (if there isn't alot, if not must start earlier). sometimes abit sleep deprived la but coffee saved the day heehee=D
okay, enough abt work, im tired!goodnights world!
+ val-* @ 12:57 AM
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
i think i know why i like NCC so much.
or rather, why i would like my job as a hospital pharmacist.
1) i love to learn about new things. i think i am innately curious. and hungry for more knowledge. so to be able to learn new things and see new cases each day spurs me on. i can sleep for 5hours without feeling tired the whole day (of course with 1/2 cup of coffee in the morning), when i still feel sleepy with 10hours of sleep during the holidays.
2) i love to talk. well i guess sometimes it depends on my mood and the environment, i tend to feel abit awkward and shy in new environments, but NCC is awesome, nice people, nice place, so by today im already feeling quite my normal chatty self haha. and everyone is so willing to help you log into the system, answer every single small question (not 1 word answers but explain to you on the paper with illustration, spell out for you and even search the resources and case files for you). the patients, as long as they havent been harrassed by other students, are pretty open to sharing with us their condition, although it must not have been easy on them; not all cancer patients are that old you know.
i think these 2 reasons are sufficient to sustain me for a long way to go, cos they'll always be present in my career!=D although it's definitely different when i work compared to now because there will be less time to learn (got to know your stuff already!) but there are always new drugs and stuff coming up! and less relaxing of course heh!
looking forward to the rest of the 6weeks=D
+ val-* @ 10:37 PM
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
i love ncc!
so far everything's been quite good,
the staff there are so nice and helpful!
the pharmacists, PTs and nurses are all very willing to help and will always say hi (it's only the 2nd day and we're like old friends)
although everything requires you to take initiative, like approaching patients, nurses etc, but that means that we have a lot of autonomy in making decisions and planning our time!
they don't really watch over us when we interview patients or browse through case files or reading patients notes in the comp, basically everything haha.
it took me a while to orientate and get use to all the initiative taking and approaching people, but all the warmth just made it all the easier to get into the flow of things(:
everyone is so willing to explain things to us! the nurses i followed tried her best to explain whatever i ask, be it related to her job or not. the patients that we approached so far are quite willing to talk to us (of course not all of them) and some just kept talking to us that we paiseh to leave haha!but it's quite fun to talk to them though, i think im just a chatterbox by natureXD
okay.gotta do work gosh. so much homework!actually i kind of brought it onto myself, my notes that i scribbled as so messy i just feel the need to transcribe them neatly onto microsoft so enjoying myself, never expect myself to like work!damn, i'll be working in the neighbour compound though, now i know where i'd want to go after i finish my 3yr bond!
+ val-* @ 8:10 PM
Sunday, June 19, 2011
have you ever felt annoyed by imperfections, or view how others do things with a critical eye, especially when you are pretty well-versed in that particular area?
i did. throughout the entire practice session, i was thinking in my head that gosh, why can't he see that it's this group of pple making mistakes and not the other? why do people not understand instructions when it's so clear? ohmygosh i can do it way better.
man, see my evil thoughts. instead of enjoying the role i am assigned to and doing my best, i am constantly viewing others critically, nitpicking the nitty grittys and giving a black face. instead of seeing the effort that others are putting in to try to meet the standards of the leader, all i saw was their incompetence.
maybe cos im in no power to comment on anything or to give suggestions. as much as i want to voice out my thoughts so that things can be better, it feels as if im overriding the authorities or being too bossy. don't want to make everyone unhappy either.
so i kept all these thoughts to myself. then again, it's no excuse for feeling so bitter about everything because everyone is putting in their best effort (i assume so). may God help me to see the good and not the bad, and perhaps find an opportunity to voice out my suggestions in a kindly and gentle manner, afterall i don't really mean to be hurtful or to condemn, i just want to help using whatever God gave me for the best of everybody(:
+ val-* @ 4:33 PM
Saturday, June 18, 2011
while batch 1 people are celebrating, i am getting excited over an email that NCC sent me.
haha actually i dont know, i really am very sian that preceptorship is starting, cos i really threw away all my pharm stuff during this holidays to do other stuff and enjoy myself thoroughly. so the thought of them grilling us of the pharm stuff aint comforting. but im still feeling excited somehow!i think more than i did when i had preceptorship at guardian cos it's where im going to work at next time!going to put my utmost effort in it, unlike the slack time i had in guardian! i should think it'll be okay cos xiaohui would be pretty pia also i think!so we can jiayou tog=D
year 3 party tmr, i think many people are still going with the mentality that everyone's going to just stick to their cliques, but deep down in the hearts they also kind of wished to gain a few more friends through this party, if not why go in the 1st place right? since everyone's just waiting to see what will happen, then we'll make it happen and ignite the spark for everyone!it just takes a tiny bit of initiative from everyone to get everyone warmed up to each other!i dont think everyone will suddenly become super close to their new friends in just one day, but it'll mean more people you would say hi to along the corridors at least!who knows we might be colleagues one day right?heehee kind of excited for this party(: seeyou guys tmr!
+ val-* @ 1:52 AM
Saturday, June 11, 2011
started on another jap drama, JIN.
a pretty good choice i must say.qt unexpected but i think it would help before i go on to preceptorship.
it's about this brain surgeon who operated on a tumour in his gf's brain, although the tumour is out but the gf remains in a vegetative state. from then on he would give the difficult cases for other brain surgeons.quite cliche up till here right. but due to an unexpected fall down a flight of stairs while struggling with an escaped patient, he time-traveled to the edo period (1862 omg lol) and had to perform brain surgery on a samurai who got injured while trying to save him. he realised how difficult it is to perform such simple surgeries during that period with the lack of medicine and technologies. and how he actually took simple things like anesthesia for granted, when the lack of it would cause so much excruciating pain to the patient. for once, he felt the pain. he felt for the patient. it's only 1 episode(watch with much difficulty cos the links loaded super slowly) but it got me thinking of pharmacy HAHA like duh.
i think one tendency that we have now, or at least i do, is to offer medicine as the 1st thing that comes to our mind, rather than offering some words of concern when a friend says i've got a headache. and that's on a personal level. perhaps it's still not that bad because as your loved ones you'll naturally show them care and concern. but to your patients whom you probably only see for like 5min before they find you annoying, would you be more focused on the medications and just delivering your counseling points dryly? do we look at the patient or just the lab data and the medications and go oh okay this drug can be optimised to blahblah, and then our duty is done? i do know that sometimes we are limited by the structure of how medical professionals work, and the actual fact of what we actually do, but i want to hold on to that glimmer of hope that we can do just that bit more, to grasp more opportunity to build rapport with patients, putting ourselves in their shoes instead of labeling them as annoying people who wouldn't stop complaining. it's an ideal i would hold on to unto i face the real world (that is, in 1 wk's time LOL). then perhaps i'll revise my thinking to be more realistic but still with that bit of hope in it haha.
+ val-* @ 4:30 PM
Friday, June 10, 2011
another day of shopping!
actually, it was just to drop by 313 to change my bro's shirt from M to S.
i must say that the staff at zara are all very professional!
at least the 4 that i've met so far are all very professional and helpful!
im really grateful to them for making my exchange go so smoothly and now my brother has a really nice fitting awesome shirt(:
and while i was feeling very pleased after walking out of zara, i saw fossil just next door. thought i'll just pop in to look at their watch collection since i havent done so for quite a long time, and i was pretty bored of their usual ceramic watches that dont really attract me. so i thought i wouldnt be tempted by any, although i was half wishing i would cos i've been wanting to get a good watch for a long time. AND I DID bad for my wallet but i am very happy with my buy!=D

tada!isn't the strap nice!=D that was it's main draw, it's so wearable with anything and i love how easy it is to read the time!im pretty sick of my classy watches of rectangular shapes cos they always make me read the hour wrongly=x which eventually made me decide on this instead of the other design (couldnt really find it online but i really liked it too!) the funny thing was, the salegirl was like deliberating together with me,like she's helping me voice out my inner struggle LOL! it didnt really help cos she was as indecisive as i was LOL but i was really appreciative of her efforts haha!and it was really sincere, i didn't feel like she was trying to push for me to buy and it didn't sound like she wanted me to get the more ex one or well, it's just very sincere(: anw, am very pleased with it omgomgomg i cant wait to wear it heehee=D
then i went to amk hub to meet jiahui for kungfu panda! and cos she was delayed for abit at ktph (i dont know if it's a good thing again) but i started walking around hahaha! went into rubi, saw the shoes i wanted with my shoe size on the outer most of the rack nooooo!resisted the temptation cos i alr spent so much on the watch. went into mondo, saw the heels i've been wanting to get, resisted temptation again. was feeling proud of myself until i saw a sign outside watts in: $1 for 2nd item. WHATTTT?!totally in man, within 1millisec i was in the shop HAHA. it meant that i was going to get my earrings at 50% the price and the earrings at watts in are so my kind of earrings.futile resistance=( but again, i am please with my gains!!it's my 1st real gain from GSS, the other shops have really lousy deals for GSS in my opinion, so again im happy=DD

heehee, my 2 gains!so pretty and elegant!im thinking if i should keep them for myself or give them away haha!i have soooo many earrings man, but never too many LOL.
tmr im going to spend more money omgomgomgomgomg.gonna check out opi's pirates collection at nailvibe at china square central!what an ulu place man!but to save some dollars im going to get it there haha!and limiting myself to MAXMAX 3.if can i'll buy only 2 hahaha.and hopefully it concludes my pre-precept spending cos i dont think i'll be able to go for retail therapy during precept heh!
one comfort is that my dinner will be FREE tmr!hiphiphurrah!any form of money saving is very welcomed for me now, and for next mon till wed i would cos i'll be at church camp heehee!!best way to save money LOL.
can't wait for tmr=D
+ val-* @ 12:32 AM
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
laziness has started to set hasnt been easy to find stuff to do in these 5wks with everyone at work.but i still managed to, and do quite alot of things at that.somehow when pple ask me what have i been doing i havent been able to say exactly what, and the few things i list sounds so boring.
but i had fun!things like baking, painting my nails, reading my books and surprisingly alot of news, playing the piano, dancing(like twice only zz), shopping, meeting up with friends, church stuff, well i would say my 6wks were pretty fulfilling! there are also things that i need to do like packing (which takes me 10000 yrs) and getting myself a dresser with 8 drawers so that my wardrobe can be neater, i cant stand having to stack my clothes and having trouble looking for them.haha!makes me gain a bad habit of re-wearing the same things although my wardrobe is packed.
i havent started on my crafts!!!always have alot of inertia to do so cos it takes quite abit of effort although i really quite like to do it!partly cos to get the materials would cost me a bomb=x and for those that i already have im always quite reluctant to use them haha. so ironic! but i must say i am excited! gotta settle down to doing it cos once i start preceptorship i won't have time for it!
today i was shopping in town with bag heh!!to help choose a gift for a friend. and i realised my taste is so ex!!!!i really love that pair of earrings!!when im feeling richer and i find an occasion for it i'll treat myself to getting it HAHA. and again i never fail to spend money=x HAHA but it's quite well spent so im still happy! AND i resisted buying the 79buck sephora custom magnetic palette=( it's has 66 colours, 40 eye shadows, 5 eyeliners, 15 lip colour, 4 blushers and 2 bronzers! and the middle box, is for you to bring out the colours you used for the day!! i really really want it!(but less than that pair of earrings!)
it would make my mum keep mum (haha the pun!) cos she keeps nagging that i should spent less on useless stuff and pay more attention to my lousy (non-existent) make up skills. well, actually it's not that i dont know how to make up, but it's damn weird to put when none of ur friends does! i guess it doesnt hurt to start, i'll make mine super natural anw!

admire the awesomeness of this product!ohmygosh i really want it hahaha!but i want the earrings too ahhh dilemma=x am not a spendthrift by nature so 79 is alot to spend on makeup for me although yeah it's only 1plus per colour and it covers all my makeup needs in just 1 box.
on to what i did spend on!=D my 1st buy of the day is this!a zara double collared shirt for my brother!it is super sleek and the material's good and it's made in turkey NOT china and the style is so smart and chic!suitable for both work and party man!the cuffs can be turned up for a unique design! it was so awesome i couldn't resist getting it for my brother with the excuse of birthday present although it's a little pricey and dammit not discounted although it's GSS right now. i unfortunately bought a slightly too big one though zzz!wts now i know my brother needs S! slimfit somemore leh haha!

Ref 5246/407, courtesy of, looks better in reality!
my next buy (oh wait i realised i got this before the zara shirt HAHA). anw, i finally went into TWG at ion!!! super happy!just the aroma floating out of the shop already makes me go ahhhhhhhhhh~
and they have super friendly staff who are super willing to guide you and explain to you the different types of tea!! after smelling (very unprofessionally, taking a whiff out of the sample instead of fanning the smell to my nose haha) like about 10 teas and repeated smelling for some, i finally got this:

super excitesssssssss! an except from the canister:
the emblem of perfection and purity, this tea symbolises the harmony between the taste of the Orient and Europe, a magical paradox uniting fruits, flowers and refined spices into a wonderfully blended fine green tea. A tea for a special guest.
I didnt really want to try it after i got home cos im really sensitive to caffeine, scared i cant sleep at my already super late sleep time. but i couldnt resist showing it to my mum and she insisted on tasting haha!so i made a cup for her and shunbian taste abit myself. love the aroma!!you really can smell the tinge of spice amongst the floral! i must say i didn't really notice the spice smell in the shop, think i had too much smell in my nose alr HAHA! but when u taste it the floral prevails anw, has a pretty light taste which i like!and hehh my mum likes it too! BUT you bet she wasn't very happy when she knew the price (i alr marked down the price like by 10bucks omg) so imagine if she knew the real price=x i think it's worth it anw!im pretty kind to myself now that i sort of have an income, life's too short to be stingy! i dont really think im a spendthrift too la, dont really buy clothes that often etc heehee. just pampering myself with a slight bit of luxury like this tea and also learn how to appreciate such stuff more haha!excuses, i knowXD anw im sure this 100g of tea will last me for a pretty long time, you'll only need 2.5g per cup (im sure i'll put less than that, dont know how to estimate 2.5 LOL) so that's abt 40 days of good tea! wont drink it everyday also so yay it's a good investment for some slow-down-my-life moments away from life's stress!=D if it's good i'll consider investing in some white tea too!(i realised i can buy in loose amounts and not 100g at one shot so that i won't burn too big a hole in my pocket)
ippudo for dinner!i always forget which ones i've tried so i decided to write down this time!ate the shiromaru motoaji, which is the 1st one on the list!with an added tamago(: asked for medium noodles and was really satisfied with the texture!and the ramen's really thin so i like it! i never thought ippudo was THIS GOOD. like seriously, today's one was the best i've eaten so far! maybe cos i didnt dilly dally when i ate so the soup didnt end up too salty and the noodle all fat and soggy, but also cos we went to eat at like, 6? 1st time i never queue at ippudo man!and from observation, the crowd came in bwtn 620-640, so now you know when to come and avoid queuing!yeah side tracked, but i think cos the cook can slowly focus on cooking that few bowls that its quality was really good!=D come to think of it it's a good thing i ate the 1st on the list this time, the next time i go i can just go down the list to try the different ramens! oh and i tried bag's spicy ramen which is the seasonal one for spring 2011!if it wasnt spicy i would have taken that, im always very excited by seasonal new stuff HAHA! and actually the soup base wasnt THAT spicy, i might try that the next time, it was really good, bag ordered extra noodles and finished all his soup (sorry bag i pau toh you online HAHA!but it really shows how nice it was=p)
okay.i feel a wave of tiredness overpowering me as i hear the rain pouring outside my window. goodnights world!
+ val-* @ 11:39 PM
Monday, June 6, 2011
ytd night, i was very happy.
thanks for accompanying me!
watching change, reminded me of pharmville. it's about politics, but more so about leadership and human relations. it helped me sort out thoughts that have been bugging me, all the struggles i had post pharmville till now, to reconcile all the conflicting feedback and to finally put my thoughts into writing.
the higher you climb, the more steadfast you have to be. i wasn't, i admit. but change showed me what it's like, to persevere, holding fast to your believes, and the bottom of it all, to stay true to yourself. it is always hard to anticipate any form of attack, but when it comes, never to think of defence 1st, but to strive for reconciliation and to acknowledge that 1) humans are selfish. everyone protects their own interest, everyone protects those who matters to them, and those they are responsible for. we also have to acknowledge that 2) no 2 persons are alike. because when we acknowledge that fact, we'll know that everyone is different, and have different thoughts and viewpoints on the same issue. it's precisely because we think everyone is the same and thinks the same as we do, that we get impatient and annoyed and aggressive when others think differently. if we let emotions take control, nothing positive will come out of it. we just have to sit down and talk it through, and if you've grasp the 2 points above, then something good may come out of the talk.
and always stay true to yourself. never forget the initial zealousness and aspiration that brought you to your position. it's very easy to doubt and regret, because it is never easy to lead. you can't exactly please everybody, but try your best anyway. because you don't have to prove anything to anybody, only to fulfill what you landed yourself in for - your beliefs and dreams. when troubles come and drive you to a corner, Man's natural tendency is to escape. but don't. because you'll regret it more if you do then if u stuck with it till the end. when pharmville ended, i questioned myself many times if it was worth it to take up this project, which was regret in its plain view. but instead i should have asked myself, would i regret if i had not taken up the project? the answer would have been clearer to me. because all the tiny things that made me regret taking up the project is nothing compared to the super big regret of not even attempting to try. sometimes i think our mind is just weird. we just need to think in another manner about the same issue to put things into perspective when they mean exactly the same thing.
how can i ever forget those who supported me till the end although i pressured them, deprive them of the manpower i promised, didnt do a good job in communications and so on, because they treat me as a friend who's putting in her utmost effort? who continued to strive on when they're pissed off at me, because they know if they left me alone i would have an even harder time? call me biased, but i cannot be ungrateful. because they stood by me before during and after everything and gave their best.
i also accept responsibility for the accusations made. i did not blindly chuck them aside without giving them due consideration. they are for me, to grow and to be a better leader, a better person. even for those that are nowhere near the truth and those meant to hurt and not to build, they've been helpful in understanding people's expectations and to be more mindful of their concerns. and till now, i keep all these criticisms in my heart as a constant reminder and to ponder about them in everything i do.
and one last thing, to have a big heart. it helps you go a long way(:
+ val-* @ 2:57 PM
Sunday, June 5, 2011
today is about the longest time i've spent in church in eons.excluding sundays of course.
on a typical sunday, i would be there at abt 930 to 1230,and till 230 if there's most 5hours.
today i was in church for..6hours. i guess there were longer periods when i was younger of course, but i kind of amazed myself today haha!
and i must say i enjoy being in God's presence(: i kind of didnt expect myself to type this as well cos i was just going to say what i did in church today. but yeah, i really do! to serve God, to enjoy fellowship with my brothers and sisters, and to listen to all the sharing, be it from the speakers or from my friends. it corrects my way of thinking, it made me think about issues deeper, it gave me a chance to share with all honest sincerity my struggles and listen to that of others, it humbled me to see how these brothers and sisters whom i grew up with mature in thought and spiritually.
i was a lost sheep, but am found. not that i have left God, but i have left this fellowship for a whooping,3yrs?it's complicated, but it's time i come back, no excuses.
being in God's presence, assures me that i will not go astray. placing my trust in Him as my guide, i will not leave the right path. i've been swimming with my own strength for a long time, and i was not astray because He seeks me even when i dont seek Him, but with Him as my buoy, my load is lightened and i find rest and security.
i think it's very easy to throw all the responsibility to God, but i guess that's not it. i still have to play my part as God's child. but i can worry less, because no one is left out of God's sovereignty and i just have to trust Him for everything(:
oh, when i was sharing abt my devotion life today, i was reminded of my progress so far, definitely not a smooth one since i started, but it was encouraging to hear everyone's struggles and there was kind of a sense of acknowledgement and recognition and bond of some sort being formed. i love sharings! you'll never know who may just make an impact on ur life and who's life you may make an impact on!
+ val-* @ 1:04 AM
Friday, June 3, 2011
i am soooooo happy today!!
woke up with alot of time to spare, partly cos a lunch appt was cancelled by some miscom, and i had brunch immed instead of my usual lunch at 1. so i had all the time in the world to chillax, completing my previous jap drama and starting on a new one - change, feat takuya kimura! although the storyline qt zz cos it's abt politics, but nothing entertains me better than his acting skills!!it's pretty unbeatable i would say.all his small facial expression change, his slight movement, very..meticulous i would say(:

change.about how a pri sch teacher was forced to run for candidacy cos his father died. and how he touched everyone with his sincerity(the usual kind of role that kimura plays best!)
played abit of piano, packed abit of my wardrobe, and i decided i needed some fresh air away from home. so i resolved to set out to compasspoint, which is kind of convenient and not entirely boring for the lazy me. the plan was to check out the tumblers at sb (they dont have the one i wanted alr, think it was only for a limited period of time only, cant even find the pic online=x) and claim my free venti drink for signingup the sb card, to chillax with a book on hand(: and also to check out dmk for some suitable flats with a slight heel for preceptorship, dont want my feet to die from flats cos imo they're not very comfortable to stand in for long hours. and to grab some random stationeries and a nice dinner!
i was greeted with a large crowd going mad with all the bedsheets,bolsters and clothes at really low rates at the metro sale in the centre, and i think i kind of caught the atmosphere and got pretty excited about gss haha! but i was pretty resolved to read a substantial amt of my book (i just realised it has 934pg ohmygoshkillme) so i headed to sb and whee there was a sofa seat available at a i sat there for 2hrs reading my book diligently(: and yay i've passed the middle mark=DD while i was all engrossed in my book, there's this guy from mdis who asked if he could take the seat opp me HAHA. eh, quite good looking, and his name is melvin (his drink betrayed him LOL). so while my eyes were feasting on the contents of the book, they couldnt help but peek through the corners at him HAHAHA.i think they were feeling guilty though, cos everytime i did it my right eye would twitch HAHAHAHA. to his misfortune, he only enjoyed the company of the pretty lady for abt half an hour cos i finished my drink and left for a little retail therapy LOL.super bhb but i bet he was peeking more than i was HAHA.he could have sat with the other girl who also had an empty seat opp her, who's pretty good looking too i guess!
after i stepped out of sb, i headed straight for dmk cos i was alr eyeing some of the new shoes on display when i walked past earlier HAHA. saw this pumps with wedges instead of heels, about 1 inch in height. just the perfect workshoes i've been looking for! and they were super soft!! i think my feet felt loved in it the japs would say, kimochiiiiiiiii!! the thing i was in a dilemma was,the shoe size=s i hate it that my shoesize is kind of like 37.5. it happens alllll the time. and i always pray for a 37 that's slightly bigger or a 38 that the mfgr made slightly smaller. the 37 i tried was unfortunately really too small so i tried 38.actually 38 fits very comfortably and i was quite relieved - until i tried walking. my right foot was alright, only my left foot kept slipping out,rahh! the salesperson suggested padding, which i guess i'll have to use. the shoe was so comfortable i bought it in the end haha! and because its wedges so it's not that noisy to walk in too=D so happy with my buy!!!just need to get a padding or maybe wear socks so that my feet wont slip out(:
then...i went on a random items spree.GSS was so tempting i tell you!!!of course i bought necessary stuff, not things like nail polish (i resisted the temptation at faceshop, they were so damn cheap i tell you). bought some face care products, stationery that i needed, and soundproof earphones. been wanting to get those cos pple are seriously damn inconsiderate on trains and buses now.much as i hate sticking things into my ear, i hope i'll get used to it soon cos i love the peacefulness that comes with it. and lastly, i bought myself sashimi to satisfy my craving(:

the earphones i bought(: it was buy 1 get 1 free so i got a black one for my bro! this is lime green, looks nice right hahaha!retractable too, i like!
VERY HAPPY WITH MYSELF at the 3hours spent in cp!!!=D=D and VERY HAPPY eating the sashimi at home on the sofa watching tv!the sashimi was so fresh and thick!!SHIOK MAX!! abit costly though=x but oh, the satisfaction!!=D
and that concludes my 3 short hours of "fresh air"(: i am trying very hard not to remind myself of the hole in my pocket now (the amount i spent today was incredible man, considering it was alone and only for 3hrs) but even so the happiness was worth every cent=D
and i already planned my next "fresh air" outing!!!!changi airporttttt!!!actually not much chances alr i guess,going out next mon-wed+fri night and thu night dance and following mon-wed got church camp!
wah shit all my nights taken next wk!guess i'll have to chose one of the days for my fresh air outing, although it sucks to travel from changi airport to town. i guess im free on wed now! actually nth much i can do at changi airport, chillaxing at sb again and going crazy in candy empire, but i kind of want to see the newly renovated t1!!my dad say it's quite nice!maybe i'll just sit at the view gallery and watch planes take off!pretty..i wouldnt say emofying, but it would set me in a dreamy mode, kind of nice once in a while!
and once again it's a post with
no few pictures!it's weird to take pictures when im alone! i'll take a pic of that shoe another time, kind of dont dare to let my dad know i bought another pair HAHA.
*edit: I JUST REALISED MY EARPHONES ARE YELLOW,NOT LIME GREEN NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!if i knew i would have taken the purplish one, it was a really nice colour=( ohwells.i guess yellow is still quite nice -self comforts-
+ val-* @ 8:13 PM
i dont know why, but tear well up easily when i recall the things you said. i guess there is some self-pity elements in them, some pent up feelings exposed by you, and also cos of the amount of truth in them i guess.
i dont ever think you'll know the amount of impact those mini talks have on my life.
today, i chionged 2 dance classes=DD it felt damn good cos i havent danced for about 2 wks, feeling all wasted at home with fats accumulating. and my core ached. that sucks, kind of shows how nua my body has become=x and super stiff too!while stretching today i thought my thigh muscle was going to be ripped apart!super chui haha!but it still felt damn good!with all the sweat and fun=D
watching hotaru no hikari 2 now, at the 2nd last episode! kind of missed the times i used to chiong jap dramas. now they are more difficult to find cos copyright issues are pretty strict online now. and i missed the superb acting skills of jap actors and actresses, they really make the roles so real!that you'll really feel for them and their plight. and as usual, the storylines are always meaningful and interesting(:
im starting to get bored of my holidays bleah. i guess 6wks is just nice, although i dont exactly want preceptorship to start=x it's seem very grueling, and im not the work sort. kind of weird to hear a workaholic like me say that, but i dislike worklife. i can slog all i want for my projects in school, but i cant imagine myself putting in as much effort for work. unless i really like it. so maybe i dont exactly like being a pharmacist that much?hahahaha abit early to say since i havent been for hospital preceptorship, but i kind of feel that it doesnt really suit my character that much LOL. shit im starting to have more and more of such thoughts recently.cannotttttttttt be like that valval!you'll be stuck at it for 3 yrs so you better pray hard that you'll enjoy the ncc attachment haha! that being said i dont regret taking up the scholarship just yet, i feel a certain attachment to working in a hospital somehow(: anyways i still have one more yr to go!shall enjoy my student life and not think so much just yet!=D
+ val-* @ 1:07 AM
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
hotaru no hikari 2 is so funny!!!!!
i seriously jaw dropped at the 1st episode!!!!
tell me why i love jap dramas over korean ones man!
+ val-* @ 4:47 PM
wow i actually havent had such a pleasant dinner with my family in a long time!
pretty shiok=D
and no points for guessing the topic on hand that made all of us talk nonstop!
plenty of hearty laughs=D
plus food like spicy lala, sambal kangkong, sambal sotong and pumpkin porkribs(surprisingly nice)
it was a pretty awesome day=D
today is the 1st time in a long time that both my parents are not working.
maybe it's not really that long ago,
but maybe cos i didnt really get nagged much today and they both seem to be in a pretty good mood=D
so as much as i was tempted to chill at starbucks with a book in my lefthand and coffee in the other,
i found myself glued to the couch at home watching random stuff on tv and not doing much.
plus falling asleep on the couch with an eye mask onXD
when u have too much free time it's time to mend all the damage exams caused.
at least i feel that im no longer green in the face with smaller eye circles and well, slightly lesser acne (i aim to rid myself of them before preceptorship starts rahh!).
the only thing that may be deproving is the lack of exercise (yes im too lazy to travel to dance haha=x)
tmr im going to bake shepherd's pie!!excites!!
wanted to try my squid ink paste from muji but the shepherd's pie ingredients are more perishable so i gotta do that 1st!
and then im going to try some nail arty farty design HEEHEE(:
i tried on my nails today since im going to remove them tmr, and i realised that my right hand is damn retarded, cant draw properly=x so now im considering if i should really try to do it, but when there's a will, there's a way!shall preservere in it=D
cheers to a great day tmr as well!
+ val-* @ 1:26 AM